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    @zeeboid: Not so much an ark as it is a jungle gym.

    @OA 5599: I'd add that it needs a bit of tartan plaid finishing to round out the chav-tasticness.

    Keep the cat box. I'll take that sweet Scout in pic #35 instead.

    Two camels, one car.

    @Papercutninja: It's Larouchies, it's what they do. Seriously. Don't look for logic, it will hurt your brain.

    If it was $29k, I'd rock it.

    Woah, woah, woah. I smell dealer markup here. Per a previous Jalop story here:

    Now playing

    @Al Navarro: Take a look at scale crawlers as well for more attention to realism. Ignore the odd music choice in the video (not my vid, just a sample of what's out there).

    @DoogieFullHouser: Very true. Further, if you're going to modify your Jeep, keep it simple but strong. Make everything rock hard but the U joints. U Joints are easy to replace anywhere. Busted, twisted axle shafts? Not so much.

    @lilwillie: L.A. Times seems to have Toyota in their sights right now. It's definitely not been hidden. They also did a very dense (for the L.A. Times anyway) piece some weeks back looking at the questions on Toyota's safety problems. And they've been dogging the issue ever since. I'd give you a direct link, but their

    Does my mother in law qualify?

    This totally makes up for that compact Aston Martin thing (abomination, horror, disaster) they released the other day. Balance in the automotive coolness spectrum has been achieved.

    @brandegee: Moreover, it's a knockoff on Toyota and Honda Vanilla. No verve, no panache. Just car.

    Hey, at least the goat is still alive.

    Dude's already got an SLS? Daaayum.

    For us ladies in the Jalopnik commentariat, I request more pictures of hired booth man meat such as Mr. Dempsey. It's only fair given the screen time usually afforded for the double X chromosomed booth pros at most shows.

    Good. But perfection would be the addition of barbecue of some kind.

    Guys, you missed this one.

    @fstrthnu: I tend to agree with you. It looks, from the side, sort of like a blocky, chunky Nissan Z. But I will reserve final judgement till I see it in person. I'm not optimistic though. I liked the new SRX in all the photos. I saw one on the freeway the other day and couldn't believe it was the same car -