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    Not nearly menacing enough. Needs a matte black spray, teflon wheels, bolt on black chrome exhaust pipes (even though it is electric), lots of spikes, and more chains.

    @undefined: I saw Mrs. Garrett from The Facts of Life at the restaurant on the Queen Mary.

    One note too is that aluminum body panels etc can lead to a bigger premium. I recall reading that the Audi A8 and it's brethren were expensive insurance headaches because of the limited body shop expertise in working on aluminum parts.

    @baldy_pm: And a Sky tuned up to not handle like a turd would be nice too.

    @Flathead Smith: Regardless, you need to find an older car if you want to siphon gas from it. All of my cars (2000 and newer) all are unsiphonable either from a screen in the tube or a roll over valve in there that makes it impossible to drop a tube down into the tank.

    If this renders CARB toothless than I am all for it. For all their good intentions, they have proven to be the biggest hurdle to new technologies and innovative thinking in the auto industry. Die CARB, DIE.

    I guessed a Datsun of some kind. I suck at this.

    My sister had one of the monobrow cylon Sables waaaay back when. She had headlights flashed at her by opposing drivers all the time at night because they all thought her brights were on. Silly headlight design.

    I love solutions to non-existent problems. But you've got to give them credit for the ingenuity nonetheless.

    Ya know, even if you took mos of those pics in color, no one would know the difference. Ah, the central valley. Where color and dimension go to die. Right along with radio signals.

    BRB. Gotta see if Tirerack carries Intercos in P-metric sizes

    Dr. Teeth is back!

    Nope. The one I go to has been shafting buyers and owners indiscriminately since 190something. And it looks like they will for a while to come.

    I had no guess. I was too blinded by the SUPACHAJAH!

    Fine. Ray, since the J8 is the most purpose built Jeep since double you double you two, it's all Jeep. It's going to hold more value both calculable and incalculable because of what it is and because of it's limited numbers. The H3 will have limited numbers thanks to the Carpocalypse which will help it's value for a

    I reiterate my previous sentiment: I hate you guys.

    God I hate you guys.

    It certainly would sweeten the deal for any grand theft auto types and make it easier as I'd bet the truck's much easier to hotwire than the Camaro. Screaming twofer!

    Am I the only one on pins and needles waiting to find out what color the owner has in store for this fetching roller?

    @jduffy13: I think those are from the same parts bin as my Wrangler's tailgate handle.