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    I dunno about all the inflammatory and gross gender generalizations everyone loves slinging about. All I know is that the "America's Funniest Home Videos" proportions are very telling. I'd estimate that a good 80-90% of the jackass moves captured on that show are perpetrated by guys, whether intentional or not. I see

    @skaz: You need to meet some new people! I have had Sirius since '05 and love it. I get the XM programming through my DirecTV service as well and it's even better. I'm really hopeful that this merger get the go ahead soon as I'm anxious to see how all the programming falls together. This stuff seriously kicks the snot

    No surprise. My Indian father in-law not only has the lust for Camrys and all thing Toyota, he has lust for them in white. When he bought my mom in-law an new Avalon I said to my hubby, "Let me guess, it's white?" "Nope. It's pearl white." Oooooh, branching out he is.

    Good for doing patios too perhaps, not so much heat retention in the summer.

    @IZOOMX2: I had to teach my hubby how to drive a manual. He may be a pussy, but at least he's not a car nut. Makes it much easier to live in the Bay Area with only one car sickness in the household!

    Because the Mustang wasn't white trash enough?

    The two tone is very grandpa friendly. Other than that, it's kind of a ho-hum body redesign. It looks fine, but I expected something a bit more drastic change. But if they've given the suspension and drive train a respectable refresh, it may be worth investigating as a good tow rig.

    Jalop needs a forum. Twould bring much ROFLs for teh 3>rmans.

    Grumpy old codger for the win.

    No surprise I'd love to see a Jeep in there. Maybe the first production civilian Jeep so we get some real representz in there. The Rambo Lambo is uber butch and all but it's just so, well Saudi prince. Get us a CJ-2A boys!

    Uh, what's an innertub?

    I've lived in Cali my whole life and have been responsible for registering numerous cars under the indecipherable CARB regs for most of it now. God, that makes me feel old. None the less, I've got three cars all '00 and newer and it's still a bit of a pulse quickener when the DMV reg notes come in the mail. Who needs

    @AlfaCharger: If that's so, then why aren't they charging those thieves who've been sawing cats off for their raw materials with federal sentences?

    @ratieya: The FJ has a tiny bit of soul left. Not much, but a little. Everything else is a black hole of boredom.

    I became a Zaino convert this year after giving it a try this summer. Back in July, I gave the full treatment to my Grand that hadn't been given a waxing since I bought it in '05. Water is still beading on that boat's expansive hood like oil on a hot skillet. And mind you the thing lives outdoors. The secret is to do

    OK, it's official. Sandy Wong has no replaced dragons. Or maybe Sandy Wong actually *is* a dragon?

    Bangle's finally found his target demographic.

    Sorry folks, unfortunately Ramcharger's been used already.

    Maybe KITT will actually be able to keep all that live axle crazies on the road.

    I thought pro wrestling was The Young & The Restless for dudes with mullets. Same difference I guess.