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    I just don't understand why we continue to have such a divide between Russia and the U.S. when it's so obvious that we all have this common appreciation for the truly badass.

    @BinkysDream: I said 'freeways' at the end of there so it makes a little more sense. It would have been a bit of gibberish if I said 'stay off 280 and 101 freeways'. Gimme a break, I'm a transplant from socal so I'm us and them simultaneously.

    Good grief, thanks for the warning. Tesla's out road testing and there's gonna be an army of distracted nerds tailing them in order to get snaps with their iPhones. Note to self, stay off the 101 and 280 freeways....

    Sorry, but anything before the Bangle-ification is the way to go. iDrive and the styling outweighs any other positives the E60 may have had. Those two alone are just *that* bad.

    Not enough speed holes....

    Wert & crew, please for the love of Mike Spinelli, please post something new soon! The entire weekend with nothing but that gaping maw is getting tiresome....

    @yellofury: No doubt. Can we start a maximum security facility, preferably on the shores of Lake Pontchartrain or some other location in a dangerous flood plane, where we can lock away all this celebrity law breaking trash and forget about them? We can break it in with all the editors of TMZ.

    Anyone else think she looks like Mrs. Pacman in that pic? Chompers, chompers, chompers is all I see.

    @Seth L: Why I left IT. Like bleedin' a friggin' rock. Best of luck Gawker dudes. May your IT lackeys be blessed with a fatter hardware budget next year!

    Oh the deliciousness. He obviously spent money on and doted over that Jeep. But physics just doesn't care, now does it?

    @Fitty7lax: To that point, the Jeep official word on driving with ESP is effectively obey physics - it's the law:

    Well, I find it to be a hideous double edged sword. It's saved me from smacking a curb on a rainy day and smashing the hell out of my Grand Cherokee's alignment in a u-turn with a little heavier than needed pedal application. On that end I'm thankful for it.

    Yeah it is awesome. But I'd like to hear about these guys working the horsepower wars with some clean diesel engines. I want to be able to buy something guilt free that I can use to waste self important hybrid drivers with as I'm burning bio. It is possible to be forward looking without giving up the ponies.

    Sheet. If I was to suddenly find myself with mad money, I'd own a large parcel of land somewhere and would spend the rest of my days attempting to fill it from one property line to another with awesomeness such as this. A girl can dream can't she?

    Anything modern with a Pontiac badge. Once the G6 came out, it became official that they just aren't trying anymore. Is there anything that Pontiac makes that isn't badge engineered rehash? What happened to Pontiac? So sad.....

    Holy farkin' christ on a crutch. Is the entire GM truck division stuck in 1950?

    @PatFromGundo: Try a search on him on Jalopnik. That should answer it for you.

    Regardless of the choices and his justifications, Mr. Neil's writing is worth any fits of disagreeing rage it may induce. I'm still trying to picture what the hell a third world casino looks like (entry #21).

    Used to be the Camry Solaras. Now firmly displaced by the new Scion box. What the hell were they thinking? It's actually even worse than the new Jeep econo crap boxes.