Queen Marlena was an American astronaut...and then became a Queen of a planet, so really she had the best platform to bring Christmas to Eternia.
Queen Marlena was an American astronaut...and then became a Queen of a planet, so really she had the best platform to bring Christmas to Eternia.
I am not going to feel guilty about loving fall, FFS. I grew up in Maine. My favorite place on the planet is the cemetery with duck ponds that was blocks from my house. Fluorescent orange sugar maples, legit ghost stories, chocolate chocolate chocolate, the one day of the year you can still play dress up, more visible…
So, I’m a huge horror movie fan and have to say that when I finally saw Green Room, having already been a fan of the director and knowing full well what it was about, I can’t really think of any other movie that had me so tense throughout. Like from the moment it started, I was so stressed and wrapped in suspense and…
We moved to a new place this spring, a year after our cat Yuna died and I still panic that her spirit didn’t come with us. She made her presence known several times during that first year and though we have her ashes with us, I haven’t felt her since we moved. Thinking about it makes me want to bawl. Our cats are our…
There’s a lot going on in this article - and a lot that loses credibility when you reduce an Asian woman to ridicule by way of hatred for white women. There’s a lot than can be debated about how allies should behave or what their role is or if there’s no such thing as real white allies in a racist system or how white…
Or be the lead of The Handmaid’s Tale?
That’s a legit concern, sure - but that’s not the take I’m getting from Rob’s article above. He seems completely mystified that any studio would want to turn this into a film. Which, to each their own...but I bet there were more Morbius readers in the 90s than he knows, and again, some pretty mystifying comics…
Ok, yes, I’m one of the ten people who would have gone to see a Morbius movie for Morbius, because I did read the monthlies for two plus years as a tween kid. It was my first foray into horrorish comics, and also, at the time VAMPIRES WERE ALL SEXY AND SHIT...ok, half kidding - but for real, isn’t this a little judgy…
She was running from it on pavement, not the woods, and I’m not suggesting bare feet would be easy - I was merely pointing out that Trevorrow’s movie was infamous for that scene, that choice and also the rolling up her sleeves scene. The movie painted both leads in pretty terrible, cliched stereotypes tbh.
Don’t forget running from a T-Rex in heels.
This is probably the best, most succint and accurate response to that question AND take on the fan reactions to both movies I’ve seen. Well done, you.
Sidebar, but the beautiful dead girl trope kept me from thoroughly enjoying the first season of The Expanse. Even though technically, the girl in question wasn’t dead yet and her life was built up throughout the course of the season - it was the detective a la Laura/Laura Palmer falling in love with her when she…
Is it like cocaine or...more like jingle jangle? Ugh, gawd, sorry I couldn’t help it. Haha. But yes, curiosity after reading the batshit reviews here and having an FB friend whom I generally respect and agree with on most of her popculture/AV-viewing selections go insane for Jughead (to the point where she has her own…
Sigh. I finally started watching this show - like blitzing through it on netflix while working on any of my hundred October projects. Just started the Gargoyle King/Archie’s in juvie jaile/Edgar says Edgar says season and when my husband asked why I like this show I had to honestly respond with, “I don’t know that I…
This is, of course, because I am a lifelong cat-haver, but the entire time I was reading your story, I kept thinking, “how can you lock the door every night with the cat in there with you, what if he wants to get out?” Interesting how it ended with a ghost cat!
My mom started having dreams about her father dying two weeks before he did. He wasn’t sick - or scratch that, he actually was sick with lung cancer but hadn’t even been close to diagnosed yet. They found the lung cancer when doing an autopsy because he actually collapsed from a brain aneurysm - on Halloween night, no…
OMG, CROWS ARE THE BEST. They really get their people’s back. I leave peanuts out for them and they helped me find my escaped housecat once and swoop and caw at every single dude that comes down our street alone.
Holy shit, this story wins. It’s not even scary but amazing. And sad, and well-written...like I could seriously see this as a twilight zone episode or something!! This all played out like a movie in my head. Good job!
I’m very much the horror buff of me and my husband, and spend much of my October seeking out horror films I haven’t seen yet to marathon, but he is into the supernatural and alien subgenre and is also a general documentary geek, so it’s funny you say that because I started to watch by myself and realized this was one…