
Thank you! I had problems with parts of her tone of the article, but, jesus, everyone asserting that all Americans will read this article and think she’s touting herself as some Western hero amongst the evil Indian folk are just as bad at making shitty assumptions about readers based on their assumed place in Western

She never made any indication that she stayed with his family at all, just visited for meals, etc. So your jumps to her being some sort of vile leech is a bit much. She clearly had her own place to stay. But honestly, so what if she comes from money? I understand how her privilege factors into her view of things to a

What did the horseshoe crabs of Guam ever do to you??

I’m really sorry about your Jim Morrison :( My Loki also had a spiked leather collar! I keep it by my favorite picture of him and the Dia de Los Muertos cat statue my husband had commissioned for me one Christmas (which of course has a it’s own collar with a Loki tag). I had gotten Loks when in college and he became

ok, this will sound trite in regards to the death of a human loved one (and totally catladyish)...but if I could bottle the scent of my old cat’s fur and just inhale it everytime I needed comfort...I’m rereading Tamsin for the umpteenth time (written by Peter S Beagle, y’all) and the description of Mr. Cat’s smell as

I believe the new terminology is “yuccies”

Meanwhile the backlog of rape kits in this country...

My husband usually picks one up for me when he knows I need it. This year he put two in my Easter Basket (context!).

My uncle grew up with 5 sisters and my grandmother - my grandfather passed away when my mom, the second eldest was 16. He pretty much had to haul a radio flyer wagon’s worth of pads from the pharmacy for all the womenfolk once a month. It was kind of like the whole “I’m going to town to procure grains and supplies

I actually accidentally attempted to hand the (male) cashier a tampon the other day when I took out my wallet and grocery card. (I really need to clean out my purse)

I also have commiserated with cashiers over the triple threat: tampons, advil, symphony bars.

I sent this video to my bestie who hates/is afraid of goats and their demon eyes, telling her that if she didn’t find this video adorable then, because I’m worried for her soul, would stage an intervention. Even she reluctantly agreed, with a “ugh. FINE” and then filled the rest of the email with hearts and

Ah! so I just imdbed him to check out that title and also saw that he’s in the remake/reboot whatever of The Thing...which I could get behind watching...and also After Earth which is still a big NO THANKS. But to be honest, I don’t know if I’d like him as much in anything other than 3 layers of dirty looking seal

right there with you on Tormund...haven’t read past book1 and don’t know that that even matters anymore, but I hope he gets to stick around and crack people in half with their own clubs for a while.

Also just want to point out for the hundredth time (not to you) that Rue was described as black in the BOOK. There was no “reimagining” to her casting.

It did take me a minute to realize where that’s from - though I instantly heard Eddie Murphy’s voice saying it, I thought for a hot second it was from the Golden Child, haha. Luv it.

Not only do I love your username here, but I love love that you just threatened someone with a wedgie. :)

I just watched this whole thing, because hey, my boss isn’t in the office today. But the pictures were pretty gross. Looks like the baby shower was only a part of it that left the more incriminating evidence...

Who even are the people in this movie? WHERE’S GARY BUSEY???!

Not only can I not stop staring at this gif BUT it’s extra funny/creepy/permanently scarring in conjunction with the featured articles on the side because Baby Twilight is also mesmerized and staring right at it!!!