
How freaking lucky is she that they weren't fire ants. Sorry, that was my first thought as I read this and remembered all the times in college where I ended up sitting down in the not soft Florida grass only to be full on assaulted by those fuckers. If I had been in your sister's situation, they most definitely would

*shrugs* They're an asshat, either way.

I confess I was wondering...

At what point did I identify myself as either white or a woman? You're the one who clearly has a problem with such people. And if that's all you have in your arsenal for a response, then you're clearly here to troll rather than actually discuss anything so I guess my bad for trifling with you. Haters gonna hate...

Wow, you're a dick. First of all - it's a comment board, you don't have to agree with the comments but telling people they aren't allowed to share them because of their race/gender/privilege puts you in the shithead category and does NOT make you oppressed by their privilege. Second of all, people should be AWARE of

So this morning I dreamed that Ted Cruz, his PR team, and myself were locked out on the roof of a very tall building (apparently while waiting for cataclysmic flood waters to recede back into Puget Sound) and his PR team kept trying to get me to vote for him. Just as I was laying into all of them and listing all the


Right? This blows my mind. Meanwhile, in Maryland, the parents who let their kids walk to the park together are still battling social services over the right to let their kids ride bikes, etc, without constant supervision.

We just caught up on the last three episodes last night and when we were watching that one, and when Ilana says something along the lines of "you're finally going to vagina swallow Jeremy tonight", my husband who is also a Jeremy, looked up from his mistress (his phone - "but I can't look at facebook and instagram at

yep, total impasse. Because again, you're misconstruing what I'm saying about unrealistically pretty. I mean unrealistic in that somebody has three inches shaves of their waist because they are bound unnaturally by something that is historically proven to have fucked up lady's organs. And we can discuss spanx and and

I've said what I take issue with in the clearest way I know how; If your main character has to deny herself solid food because she can't digest it while wearing a costume that's about being unrealistically pretty for a kid's movie...well, we're just never going to move forward and I'm disappointed that given all the

I understand your points, and while I still don't advocate for making her waist any thinner than it is, the idea of photoshopping an image for something like this - a fantasy, is still in keeping with the fantasy and showing that, yeah, it's movie magic, it's not real. You can't do this at home, kids! I don't think

Ok, I agree saying that she went on a partial liquid diet is misleading and not the same as eating soup for lunch on corset-wearing days, but it's also pretty misleading to conflate the potential health risks and dangerous message of corset wearing with eyeliner. I mean, are they both superficial and for beauty

Yeah, I already clarified that "starving" was too hyperbolic of a term, consider it retracted. But I really don't see why everyone is being so snarky about soup. Honestly, do you think the people on here taking umbrage with this are all soup haters? I HEART SOUP. The point that has nothing to do with whether or not

I also was thinking this.

Possibly because there aren't a million impressionable small girls watching the Victoria's Secret show which is already primarily about unrealistic male fantasy to begin with...

I don't think anyone's screaming that she's going to die of starvation or anything. It's just fucked up that it's even a thing she has to do for a KID'S movie which a gajillion girls are going to watch and continue to grow into the world of self image issues and unrealistic expectations. If adult women want to wear

Ok, I'll grant you that she wasn't in danger of dying from being denied food during the filming of this live action as opposed to cartoon fairy-tale. So perhaps I should have chosen a less hyperbolic phrase. Still, she had to deny herself solid foods in order to wear a completely unnecessary, unhealthy vanity

This is just...ugh, boycotting this shit show. Good job, Disney. Starving your actress to make her into a pretty, pretty princess for generations of girls (only, of course) to aspire to.

There is a complete difference between understanding that the world is different outside of the West and actually being prepared for it emotionally, mentally, physically if you've been raised sheltered. That's great that it's so easy for you to deal, and an entire busload of death trumps one dude, so you win, I guess.