Damn, that really was a brilliant change.
Damn, that really was a brilliant change.
Watch ‘The Good Place’ instead, sheeple!
I’ve gotta ask - did anyone here manage to get tickets to any of the Crazy Ex Girlfriend live shows?
Supposedly the show is popular enough via streaming, including foreign markets, to have allowed the S2 and S3 renewals (which were shocking otherwise, given the abysmal Nielsen ratings), plus the CW execs seem to have more respect for its quality than a bigger network might... So it is very possible we’ll again see a…
Michael B. Jordan needs to be a star. The fact that almost every review gives him as much attention as Boseman makes me happy.
He should have asked Ellen the same question. In fact, everybody who had a sitcom in the 90's should just do one big reunion show crossover extravaganza. Think, “Infinity War,” but for 90's sitcoms. Then we can all move on.
It might even be better. The Paddington movies are really fun.
Both of those bands have one song each that is good-to-great. Imagine Dragons have “It’s Time,” and Walk the Moon have “Anna Sun.” Both are propulsive pop anthems with some pretty melodies that the respective bands have never recaptured.
Simon is one of the greatest nonsense lyricists in the history of music. Not all of his lyrics are nonsense—his literal, easy-to-paraphrase lyrics are pretty awesome, too—but the nonsense on the Graceland album gives Stephen Malkmus, Beck, and Blonde-on-Blonde-era Dylan a run for their money.
I am 52, and have battled being a cutter since about age 10. Around age 30, was “labeled” with Borderline Personality Disorder. Rachel Bloom is bringing me to tears this season, in a good way. THANK YOU for shining a light on this label and all that lies in its web.
There were a few of us that called it last week because of the Wizard of Oz imagery, did people call it before then?
It was pointed out on Reddit etc. already, but:
One of my first reactions was “Someone in the AV Club comments totally called this.” Don’t recall if it was just you or multiple people, but nice work.
Any chance of altering the super spoily image up top? I know some people I’m still convincing to check out The Good Place.
“Michael (Ted Danson) tries to pull a rabbit out of a hat.”
My Joshua Tree post, in particular, was mocked online,.... That’s one of the potential downfalls about writing personally online, especially when you’re a woman.
Josh has become an almost non-entity on this show. Though he appeared at the beginning (interrupting the podcast with his chip crunching) and at the end with Hector’s mother wearing matching Metallica shirts, I’d nearly forgotten he appeared in this episode. It’s a reflection of how Rebecca has moved on from him.
That reprise (which Rachel Bloom had posted on YouTube yesterday, but it was still awesome today) was delightful. Also, the “that doesn’t impress me much” made me laugh much more than I should admit.
This is actually a return to my roots, as reposting alt.tv.simpsons reviews, especially those by O'Neal, is exactly what the original Lt. Broccoli did.
I watched this episode earlier this year, for the first time since it aired, and was floored just how many classic moments and lines it contained.