
I actually loved that ending speech bc as I said on a previous post, it (is not only a callback to the pilot but) seems like after-effects of the whole brain-drain thing they were doing to him in prison. Someone else over there said that it's most likely a one-off joke, with maybe a future callback here and there,

who says they've nixed it?

I kind of loved the manic pacing of this episode - it was a lot to take in, but it didn't feel overstuffed, just like there was a lot of catching up to do (and there was!). I guess it could have been a little bit longer, but I still really enjoyed all the beats and felt like they were all effective.

of course, he can't improvise now. Speaking of which, my theory was the whole brain-drain thing they were doing had some side-effects, explaining why that sacrifice seemed retconned.

Failed melodramatic crescendos are the worst. (looking at you, La La Land. And I like that movie more than most people do!)

Is it worse than here??

I feel like Ferris Bueller would be too obvious to put in, but I haven't watched the video so what do I know

See the top comment for the consequences of that, though.

Here's hoping LNPS's efforts matter in the long run, because for now they're definitely trying hard and getting far.


"These fucking men were stupid assholes, not accomplishing a fuck"

Lenny's portfolio is diverse af

I hadn't even heard of this show until just now, but it has my attention!

The Big Short is a great movie! I do need to read the book, though, as the movie has so much stuff going on that it's difficult to keep track.

When I was like 10 or 11, my parents showed me Rain Man to 'prove' to me that I'm not autistic, even though I was convinced I was.

A Power Rangers movie with a soundtrack by PWR BTTM, on the other hand, sounds terrific.

I'm interested in this "manufacturing wealth" perspective, as it seems to line up with my own views - can you or @flapjacksrightaboutnow direct me to some sort of essay/book/etc that elaborates on the topic?

Once the anti-hype falls off, I think Frozen will be in the upper tier for "best Disney musical" contests. Not a filler in the entire movie, even if musically it's basically the inverse to a movie like Hunchback.

'I'll Make A Man Out Of You' is quite possibly one of the best cliché storms ever recorded.

*is she