Microsoft probably cares a little bit more if you decide to buy those games on the PlayStation 4 or Switch, though. Which is where basically every announced third-party title are also headed.
Microsoft probably cares a little bit more if you decide to buy those games on the PlayStation 4 or Switch, though. Which is where basically every announced third-party title are also headed.
Man, this was a good game conference. Lots of new and cool stuff , most of which I’m getting.
I just hate the whole desk vibe. It ruins it for me and no longer makes it relaxing.
Please don’t flame me for my sincere query: Does anyone play PC games at high resolutions and framerates on a Mac? I use Logic as part of my livelihood, and I will always prefer the hyper-polished and accessible experience of OS X to the modular capabilities and accessibility of the computer’s inner workings of a…
$2,500 and it will struggle to play games in 5-7 years? Yikes.
I absolutely adore pc gaming and I’d say 95% of my time is spent gaming on pc.
Uh-Oh, I Spent the Entire Weekend Playing a Paradox Strategy Game
Honestly, i don’t believe you, Jason, because i know that even if you like your HDR 90 fps 8k 120 fps teraflops magnesium pyramids in Assassin’s Creed, i know every single day on the subway to your office you were thinking “man, how cool would be if i can keep playing Origins on my Switch”.
I sometimes wish they’d make Sengoku II :(
Because those aren’t children. Go back to Facebook.
As someone who currently earns around $90k I’ll tell you that my wife and I are on the margins that another $7k is absolutely life changing - with a child and a second on the way, $7k a year would mean that we would be able to consider buying a home instead of staying in our current tiny apartment.
>According to the same SEC filing, the median Activision employee made $93,660 last year.
That’s really impressive.
Unfortunately the disparity between the haves and the have-nots is way too great. Capitalism is toxic.
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Capitalism is fine.
It wasn’t even 1 000 billion yen. The source reads 1 000 億(hundred million) 円 (yen) aka 100 billion yen aka $910 million
Maybe he meant 900 billion Japanese Yen?
well don’t forget that japanese culture, father have to says that their child choices sucks and stuff, look at satoru iwata per example
“It’s good that he made one movie. With that, he should stop [making movies].”