
Everyone’s getting engaged or married and I’m just sitting over here not giving a shit while all my married friend’s relationships slowly implode over some dysfunction or another.

There was an old perv in Nantucket.

Seems like a really shitty reminder that unless you’re a mom, you don’t matter. Sorry, Kendall!

So two thousand and some years into the Christian experiment we still have no room at the inn and now aren’t even giving out water? 

Soooo hands up who’s already having a shite Christmas?

Wait a second...

You spelled Pine wrong 😉

I did my part in making sure this did not happen via refusing to watch the movie. (Note: I watched the trailer once).

None of them deserves a refund.

I mean, she does spell her name Kayti...

The show really “ended” for me after season 5, though I did keep watching out of morbid curiosity until the end of season 10.

Swift fans’ faces were reportedly cross-referenced against a cachet of images of Swift’s stalkers.

I could throw a shoe at Fashion Week party and hit someone better.

This is what I’m going through as of 5 hours ago. My partner had me wait in my car while she went with a guy friend to help him check into a cheap motel. So I’m in the front of the parking lot just smoking a cig and waiting..it had been about 15 min so I asked her what’s going on, she said they just got to the room

I like to buy postcards with weird or interesting pictures on them and use them as bookmarks, trying to match the images thematically with the books.

Can’t believe Megan and Shia laBoofed.

Bigger than Kristin Stewart? Ms. Kendrick sounded great in “Into the Woods”, though she was out-acted by everyone else in the movie. Is she really a “star”? Those “Pitch Perfect” movies are dreadful...

The being exists. Kristen Stewart. Instead of multiple useful personalities she has no personality

Am I the only one who hated the movie? I can handle terrible acting. I can handle ridiculously bad dialogue. I can’t handle all that in a boring movie. I was bored to tears. Also found myself laughing at the “serious” moments because they were so damn ridiculous. Only me?