When Clarence Thomas dies, it will suck to see him get the G HW bush treatment by the press
“But the tracks that do exists deserve to stay.”
You guys are reading too much into this. Trump only said that he has the best words. He never said he knows what they mean or how to spell them.
Lol...you think they sleep in the same room/bed.
Oh god, can you imagine if Obama even made a typo before his morning coffee? It would be absolute proof that he’s a Muslim born in Kenya and also that all black people are less intelligent and also probably he’s an illuminati lizard person.
Democrats can’t find a Smocking Gun tying the Trump campaign to Russia after James Comey’s testimony. No Smocking Gun...No Collusion.”
Can we pleas stop making fun of our precedent? It snot his fault he cant spell wright. Yure just reading it rong.
Trump doesn’t understand the laws surrounding campaign donations, huge surprise from someone who thinks his charity is the petty cash fund.
Remember when Our President was smarter than most of us? And could read? And write? Remember what it was like to have an intelligent President?
Terrible eyesight.
Has anyone had any experience/success with talking your wife out of leasing a small SUV and instead leasing a sweet looking long roof?
On top of that, Democrats have been able to point at collective photos of Republican and Democratic interns and show how theirs weren’t so blindingly white. That they’re less likely to pay those more diverse interns is so many layers of bad...
This woman should be escorted to a Wal Mart asap. I go to Target to specifically avoid these type of assholes.
Historically, anytime you get a group that latches onto power for a long time, fuckery ensues. Currently, Democrats are positioning themselves as the party of Anti-Fuckery. That doesn’t mean that Fuckery isn’t present in statehouses/legislatures, etc... that Democrats run currently, just that the we’ve made the fight a…
I am wondering what recourse Congress has once it is established that fuckery was the modus operandi? I mean, are the results going to be vacated? Are there going to be Dept. of Justice task forces assigned to ensure this doesn’t happen in the future? Is the Supreme Court going to be involved? As President Shit-for-bra…
That could be taken a number of different ways, depending on how you say it. It could be said in a creepy way or it could be said in a humorous way. Also, intent is not bullshit. Intent is everything.