
I thought she was going die the white trash panda look

I had this exact conversation last night with multiple white people at a bar, questioning why they couldn’t use blackface for Halloween.

I left...

Best graphic I've seen all day

Exactly my thoughts 

Finally, somebody asking the real questions!

Why does the yellow one have to have the salvage title?!?!?!?!

Was going to post this, glad I scrolled

This reminds me of me in college. 6'4" 340 me struggling to get out of a female companions Miata.

Buddy of mine has one in high school. Used to shock the hell out of the mustangs and camaros back then Turbo + AWD = Fun.
Clean example, but absolute CP!!!

Pa Tacos El papi taco truck > DT

Whoa whoa whoa, dial it back a bit

I know that dealership, and drive past it regularly. It is a gorgeous car, but I wouldn’t buy anything I couldn’t wrench on from that place.

I was offered something like this on a new Jeep Cherokee. My credit was in even worse shape when I purcheded my current Grand Cherokee, and while I was admiring a new one, a salesperson came over to start a conversation. I told him how I was only dreaming, and I am upsidedown on my current car, and my credit, while

I love all of the genius armchair firefighters here, who think they know better than professionals.

was going to post this reply, glad it was here

Always enjoy a good Jay-Z reference from Jalop

1st car out of college, was a ‘96 non t 5 speed swapped. I loved that thing, miss it almost daily. Wish I would’ve held on to it, it was a great car.

I was at this game (free tickets) and it was even worse in person. It was a miserable 1st fame, to almost cap off a miserable season. I thought that era of Redskins fuckery was over, however here we are in the 2015 season, still fighting against ourselves. HTTR!!

8 over...no

I loved peggin the needle in my 79 Grand Wagoneer. Watching it bouce and trying to guess how fast 17 year old me was gong prior to smartphones with GPS was all fun and games until somebody short stopped on a highway and had me doing a shoulder stop with ABS assistance. ohh the good ole days