A couple of iterations ago I played Fifa for a friend—we clearly each understood about 75% of the controls, but a different 75%. He couldn't defend and I couldn't shoot and that's when I knew I no longer had the investment for these games. Ah well.
A couple of iterations ago I played Fifa for a friend—we clearly each understood about 75% of the controls, but a different 75%. He couldn't defend and I couldn't shoot and that's when I knew I no longer had the investment for these games. Ah well.
A long time ago, when Age of Empires was king, I went on line for a team game with a classmate who was internationally ranked for his play. I played my "leisurely" pace, and he played his professional level game, and we beat our two opponents. I had never seen anyone play like that, not even really imagined it. It was…
I think without strife is a way ungenerous read, even if I think she's had an easier time than others. But then again, I also think that she's provides mostly fame to start discussions from, and is too atypical in resources and conservative in cultural understanding to be useful for whatever "Too Queer" is supposed to…
Two paragraphs later, it's Caitlyn Jenner who's "Too Queer." The Broad City ladies are "Too Gross," also in that later paragraph.
Oh, I thought he was known to advocate for cases that will result with unanimity, but maybe I'm thinking of the rep he got early on, when like 70 percent of the cases were ruled that way.
I think Roberts is known for putting quite a bit of effort to select cases that will be ruled with a majority or unanimously—I'm note sure if that's really a departure from the norm really. They're not usually this sensational though to get wide coverage.
I dunno, maybe Sotomayor did? Like in a footnote or something.
They're cafes staffed by women in maid costumes. Except the food is probably done up to be cute and maybe they ask you to cast a spell over it to make it delicious—that was the part my friend wouldn't take part it. Incredibly silly at the very least, but it'd be like getting surprised by jousting at Medieval Times.
I had a friend go to a maid cafe when he visited Japan—the group he was interested—and apparently he made their maid cry with his refusal to take part in any shenanigan. Fraught as such a place might be with exoticism and weird sexual politics, I took it that he was a bad guest and a jerk, and don't show up if you're…
I think there might've been two interesting strands in here: One, what we think of something that has changed a changed cultural cachet because of capitalism and time, and one's relationship to it. Two, what we think of our cultural/political opposition. We get some of the first in the conclusion, or rather a…
My dormant group wants to play D&D, so if it ever does, it'll be D&D. I played for years and could do without it, and the rest of the folks have a combined experience of 6 sessions, but there's no beating enthusiasm.
This reminds me of playing Middle-Earth Role-Playing wizard who could only boil water once a day at first level. So he would carry a bucket and toss boiling water at whatever. Once a day.
If I haven't played in near 17 years is that lapsed or should I just admit I don't play? I'm old enough that the social standing of the game was different than when I started, but I think the main issue is probably planning the time. Standing organized hangouts are a different thing than even just seeing certain…
Said daughter looks like she's about to kill Caroline Becker in trailer…oh well. I think that's how BJ gets the suit.
I'm a complete sucker for trying and being disappointed by these art games, so I can only say yes, you are probably right.
LA Noire was an interrogation game wrapped in a commuting simulation. There was a little too much real-time driving for me, until I learned you could get your partner to drive.
I probably forgave a lot in Life is Strange because I thought it made sense for teenagers to not be the most articulate bunch. But I just started playing Horizon Zero Dawn and I've noticed that the dialogue isn't bad but I find it bumpy—I can't imagine how hard it is to quality control that in modern games. I think…
Hmm, I stand corrected. I could've sworn it was one of those caught in something too big to escape deaths.
I thought Sloth (not his name) was dead, and the reappearing villainess—I kind thought she was dead too, but well, you got to have a recurring villain. Supersuit lady doesn't make it to the end of the new one, judging by the trailer, though she made it to the end of the last one.
I'm a little more sanguine (heh) about Vampyr because Dontnod is doing it. I've found their world creation to be interesting and realized enough to be something I look forward checking out, since I feel like they do develop their ideas. The direct line from Remember Me (a mediocre one with charm) to Life is Strange…