I get the complaints, but yeah, I took it as "commercials are weird; what do I do while the other person is talking?" and he fake contributing. It'd be the same if he was tidying up the set while Fallon was talking.
I get the complaints, but yeah, I took it as "commercials are weird; what do I do while the other person is talking?" and he fake contributing. It'd be the same if he was tidying up the set while Fallon was talking.
Dear god, you're too right…I heard some clips and just thought he wasn't my speed—a little too safe material wise in front of like minded audiences. Watching it hurts a little. I don't like cringe comedy per se, but I want a little bit of a challenge, not everything from the angle of earnest.
Ah ha! I put my Yakuza 0 away for a bit right before the end, but I should finish it up sometime. Just a word, there's a couple of weird bumps where the money from fights dips—that messes with the pacing but plug on a bit and usually another income stream (and upgrades) opens up. There's some substories and elements…
A friend of mine who worked for an Irish company (and so had to take regular trips) has shared some of his with me. It actually perplexes me a little bit how that one is still so hard to find in the US—this was a few years ago—since so much was available already. When I visited I made it a point to grab a couple from…
Does Lyft have you rate the driver and do passengers get rated by drivers? I guess lacking real vetting, that's the only way to monitor things. Other than implants. And robots.
The not popularizing tipping thing is that Uber sells to the riders as being less hassle than cabs, so no tips because math and super satisfied drivers who make enough, yadda yadda. But given this article, maybe it makes it harder to skim?
I don't know why you're so down on a guy who prayed for six days before doing what everyone told him he should to stop the HIV outbreak in his state!
Words can be powerful, and that's because speaking out is an action. I don't think he did here. And actions must back it too. Just like Sessions protests to not being racist (I don't think he is in that way) doesn't change that many policies he supports are racist in effects (does it make him racist in reality? If I…
Oh, there's a lot that would be better than Trump—which is something I want—without me being enthusiastic. I think Pence would be over his head, but yes, less likely to create a constitutional crisis, and for me, more important, less reactionary probably in foreign policy. Still, even with my policy disagreements with…
I think calculus is a generous estimation, but I generally agree.
Romney probably knows more about econ than Ryan, honestly.
I don't think they're redeemable—I prefer a little more alignment between actions and words—but let's use them anyway.
"With so much wasted potential" is not a phrase I expected to read about a Baywatch movie. I mean, I believe it, but it's still unexpected.
I had a nice conversation with Eleanor Davis when I met her at the Brooklyn Book Festival that I really quite like. We chatted about our similar haircuts.
How To Be Happy is one of my favorite books from the past few years, and it's always nice to see more work from Eleanor Davis. It's remarkable how well her style works in black and white and color, when it's there.
This is a little is Deckard a replicant kinda business, but I think Keith David is a Thing—something about him not having a glint in his eye. Meaning there's an actual visual cue in the movie about it.
Oh, I don't think they learned to trust anybody—but they're sharing a drink anyway.
I like ambiguity, but at least for Inception that's apparently not the creator's intent. I remember Christopher Nolan saying that the top was going to fall, and that they got out. Which sapped my interest a bit, since I had a take like yours. Christopher Nolan's not a fan of ambiguity, admittedly—they're more like…
The Straight Story? I haven't seen The Elephant Man, but despite the ambiguity in how much you trust the old man's stories, it was super straightforward. (Heh)
What I find fascinating is how fast dishes actually become cultural artifacts, but with ingredients that are actually from wherever. Tomatoes to Europe, chilis in Thailand, etc… And more recent stuff, like the Japanese curry that's a burger patty on rice with curry (japanese style) and cheese. I love me that stuff.