I always had a vision, that in an alternate dimension he'd be hired to direct the Star Wars prequels, and I imagine a kickline of droids in a musical. And it would've been grand.
I always had a vision, that in an alternate dimension he'd be hired to direct the Star Wars prequels, and I imagine a kickline of droids in a musical. And it would've been grand.
Have you played the Yakuza games? You're not cooking or anything, but man, there this close to spending their time animating little baggies that you carry out groceries with for your variously branded convenience store purchases.
That's some interesting stuff that I had no idea about—thanks! Fragged Empire in particular, possible space opera has always intrigued me but I've never run it. Also, Mage was the game that I gravitated most as a kid definitely for it's actually possible to be hopeful in it, even when it was situated in the goth/emo…
I used to have a player made set of Highlander immortal rules for the World of Darkness, but never ran it. Ah well. I'm having to do some mental games fitting D&D to my last habits, but it's definitely the one group is most excited, and that counts for something.
Heh, I made a friend of mine promise to search for his 1st edition Forgotten Realms campaign book, but yeah, I don't want to flood them with info or give things away either. I'm leaning toward asking what they want to play and just offering a couple of options to flesh things out. Or you know, everybody starts a…
People! This is well timed, as I'm trying to run my first campaign since…eh, 2nd edition AD&D. I have a few sessions under my belt of 3rd when it came out, and a few of 5th which is what I'm going to go with, but I'm not actually worried about rules or anything. I've decided to run the Storm King's Thunder campaign…
I'll bite, what're your top three? I haven't played consistently in a long time, but the group I used to play with used to mess with a lot. We got a lot of mileage out of the old White Wolf World of Darkness stuff—Mage being my jam specifically, which we got into out of Ars Magica. Castle Falkenstein is the one I…
That series is remarkably consistent. A few fall flatter, and a couple of duds, but a lot of good material.
I'm always glad to see Frontline get some of the credit it deserves—and they even update their episodes with developments at times.
I started the second season…and then petered out. I was kind of shocked to see teasers for a third being about the same chase. Funny, considering how Narcos went.
I endorse the Shield while also saying to the rest of your post: yes. Shane Ryan the showrunner was the one to follow.
I think there was an interview with the actress for Bulletproof Monk who
was really enthusiastic about having the opportunity to learn another
language—I don't recall if she actually used it in the movie—but being
disappointed that Chow Yun-Fat wasn't interested. And the interviewer going "Yeah, but he's Chow Yun-Fat."
I don't know what transpired before, but what version of Thanos is there where someone even tries to beg for mercy? But it called out another thing: I wish Lemire would massage his dialogue a little bit more. This page here reads a bit like a first time dungeon master villain—which I say as I prep my first DND…
I shouldn't be answering as I think I'm like you, and actually this morning I decided to drop it unless the last issue I bought but didn't read knocks my socks off. I'm impressed, but I think it's got too many balls in the air. The different storylines are all pretty interesting, but feel truncated, and I think it…
He's come around quite a bit on the vegan/vegetarians thing, based on the last smattering of things I've read.
Be a guest not a tourist is a good sum up.
I'm with you—I waver on ordering stuff I don't think was treated well/sustainably, but may rationalize/fall-in with the be a good guest thing if it's something served to me. And nothing endangered, nothing tastes good enough to help it go extinct.
Do mean with mainland themes or just the casting/showiness? I didn't find much of the former. It struck me almost incidentally about the financial collapse, but a plot more in common with a oldie '50s office drama. Maybe that signals to pandering, but I get specifically mainland pandering. And the rest I read as…
The Jim Jarmusch connection works quite well with Johnnie To, huh? Of his older ones I like The Mission quite a lot, mostly since it was the first one I saw and it's centerpieces sequences and his use of space really opened my eyes. He's been going gangbusters of late…
Hermione was always my favorite in the books, because she was the mildly rational one. That said, I think that just puts into sharp relief the way the rest of the characters were constructed, and how dumb everyone has to be to maintain wizarding specialness—maybe in part to the target audience of the series when it…