
Based on the trailer, yeah, I think you’re overselling the critique—I think the horror/comedy frames thrive in exaggeration that say, Children of Men or something like Plan 75 (the short—I haven’t seen the feature) might create nuance with via something less amped up (after their central premises). It does seem like

Trust or fall in love with AI is sooo old. To me it feels like such a plowed over question that for the last iteration of Westworld I clocked out because litigating “do our toys have feelings?” felt like a boring question and (maybe it asked this later) but are you sociopath if you play a game like a sociopath was

I’m not super hung up on the plot, but I guess I wanted the trailer to reveal something a little more substantial this close to release.

Lol. True.

I enjoyed the first two and will undoubtedly see this next one, but wow, I have no idea other than Wolverine being in it what the trailer what the movie’s about. It’s not the highest priority for these things, but I’d like a little more of an idea of plot and not just quip exchanges...

Their excited it’s her, probably not confusing about the last name.

Absolutely wrong! Having watched the trailer, Cavill’s character is clearly sticking his tongue out.

I wonder about that in general, but Amazon isn’t another streamer since they run on Prime subscriptions and not just/directly on Prime Video. Sports seems to be the only appointment TV left.

Better than casting himself again then!

Into this trap we’ve introduced tens of thousands of extra variables, who are all possible victims as well, in a giant building filled with dozens and dozens of exits and hiding places.

I forgot what made me quit, maybe it was the End of History episode? Some episode where Michael was arguing against the weakest version of the argument. In general, I even agree but it was just tiring.

Yeah, I see that now. I guess I misread this one, cause I thought there’d be something more related? Oh well.

Hmm... I might read the Cut article for a little bit more depth (gossipy interest) but those things you don’t say aren’t said because they’re boring, but because they’re awkward truths or anything.

I should just leave it as a difference of opinion, but how do you figure this is the worst reading possible given I said it’s good about what it’s about, toxicity and addiction? Hell, to take it seriously, the destruction could actually fit in very neatly with a critique that the damage of said behaviors enveloping

People definitely disagree, but Colossal—at least in regards to the kaijuness—is bad. It’s a great movie about toxic masculinity and alcoholism, which the leads are great at, but once the metaphor is in effect and understood as not metaphor to them, the nature of conceit cracks. Once you figure out that you control a

Right—it’s fiction. The plots are written to illustrate or allow for the hero to be shown to be correct, for whatever principles and choices. I’m saying that’s the construction of the superhero genre, that it always looks right for them. In the case of Batman Begins, that happens too, but by him going to someone, even

Yeah, just the bit at the end—though it’s been a while for me too.

The first one works well imo, but for me the social contract if you will of superheroes is that they should always try to save as many people as they can, so Batman admitting otherwise at the end was a bad call. I know the genre plays with that tension of vigilantism, but I think a superhero story relies on the

I like the first movie a lot (though I think Batman choosing not to save people makes it a bad Batman movie), I think Heath Ledger is great in a decent but distracted movie, and I think the third one Nolan is bored and silly and kinda bad like the first one when it recasts the Dark Knight Returns climax with all cops.

Honestly, comparatively staid as it might be, a more straighforward doc is something I’d prefer. I loved Kims—anyone want a multi-regional DVI progressive scan Malata dvd player? My first adult purchase from Kim’s—but love it as I do, I’ve read up on it over the years (there was a good Village Voice (rip) sum up a