I feel like that should’ve at least mentioned that the shift in attribution was possibly because of the internment of Japanese during WWII changed who was making most of them in the US.
I feel like that should’ve at least mentioned that the shift in attribution was possibly because of the internment of Japanese during WWII changed who was making most of them in the US.
Those two aren’t particularly well-regarded though. I think they both got a fair amount of criticism for being confusing or unnecessary.
And streaming has upended wages in general--obviously what people were striking about--residuals from a hit show might’ve paid reasonable rent once upon a time. People forget it’s almost all freelance/gig work, even in the best of times.
Yeah, I read the headline and thought, “oh, so not a shooter?”
They didn’t create the true crime genre, just serialized it, and coming as journalists you can tell there was some introspection after. A lot of what’s come out after, as podcasts or docs or what have you, have leaned into the aspects that hook viewers/listeners but don’t add and sometimes detract from the subjects. I’…
I think IMAX screenings, particularily in NYC, are like a luxury good, so I don’t read too much into that, but I am curious how popular Dune 2 is going to be. It may be huge! But I have a hard time differentiating media bubble layers these days.
Take him serious when he’s serious, and when he’s not, he’s not. If you take him serious in general, well, then you’re in for disappointment.
The Tron stuff is the clearest example that the limitations can make creative outcomes, and more can create less.
This is starting to sound a bit like the M Night superhero string of movies. Or, since it’s back in the zeitgeist, those Starship Trooper sequels.
The comic is one of the most earnest works of, well, anything I’ve ever read. Poo-pooing the revamp on looks for being, what, contemporary? makes me feel a mixture of old and acutely aware of being old—let them be. It makes sense, even if the filmmakers could also have gone with the impulse to look the same,…
Hmm, for what it’s worth, Warrior (in the first season) also used a camera spin to indicate a language switch within a scene, when a character with different language skills entered the scenes. Sounds like accents might’ve been a way to go, but for what it’s worth Inglés is also Portuguese for English. Well, it might…
Wait, so is the English that’s actually “Portuguese” spoken with an accent to differentiate with when he’s speaking English? Just curious. I’ll probably check it out later, but I really liked how the show Warrior handled the language use, perfect English from a Chinese character is them speaking Chinese, they speak…
I confess I think Villeneuve is a visually great (if cold) director who’s best films got real boosts from their leads (Amy Adams for Arrival and Emily Blunt for Sicario respectively) and kinda overhyped, and I’ll confess, after Villeneuve’s non-handling of the period Asian futurism/Orientalism of the first Blade Runner…
I welcome questioning, but I wonder if maybe on TikTok or Youtube or whatever? Like Friends is hugely popular with the under 30.
Croupier is one of my small collection of foreign dvds for my multiregional player, something I got 20 years ago, and it’s been great to see it recently available and acknowledged.
Let’s check in next year maybe? This sounds a bit like the backlog of work and material from during the pandemic and strike uncorked, rather than necessary health in the industry.
Oh, Verhoeven’s execution is variable, but he definitely meant it. Robocop’s about a corporation buying the police, and the Greek chorus of the movie is a tv commercial is a guy saying “I’d buy that for a dollar” after every bit of ultraviolence. I say this every time he pops up, but he makes movies that are…
It may have been Fry or John Cleese who (also?) observered that American shows are built to continue, with writer’s rooms, so they do longer runs better overall instead.
Well, life sports are the only appointment television left, so it’s the only distinguishing feature they have vs the other main streaming services.