
Zines are regaining popularity (or evolving maybe),and I love them myself—but I don’t think they’re that well known at all, so I’m not surprised people don’t know about them. And taking money beforehand—being an actual publication, let alone of active IP, is a much smaller part of zine cultures. Maybe doujinshi? I

Maybe there should be a primer on development financing once in a while? Yeah, I’m one who raised an eyebrow on “easy,” because it elides over the size and financing and circumstances that allows for that which is work that doesn’t just happen. Really, they’re not giving themselves enough credit there. Likewise, big

Sayonara Wild Hearts!

It’s got a mash of influences, but I don’t think of L4d specifically, especially not for the gameplay it’s showing off. Certainly not the way Back4Blood was L4D. The trailer pushes a more narrative oriented experience—which is what L4d trailers had but was always incidental in the game itself. The pacing and the more

I’m probably beating a dead horse that only I’m interested in, but I’m always waiting for a mention of Warren Ellis whenever the Netflix Castlevania show comes up, even if he had to leave the show. (I see Ellis’s influence in particular in a ton of the superhero stuff that’s getting remade into the MCU and I’d be

Death will permanently be Chris Bachalo’s very Phoebe Cates version in my head.

Ah...so it isn’t CGI young Trent Reznor.

That was a read of the original text though, it wasn’t turning Pooh into something else.

I can’t help but his criticism as partly an expression of a generational divide as well. One which encompasses differing views of bisexuality, but also how representation in media should go. Loud and proud instead of subtle acceptance.

Here’s a common sense rule: don’t watch it, don’t comment on it.

Would those smaller studios survive in this environment? Yes, the CEO and shareholders wouldn’t make as much money in that scenario, but neither would the people in those studios.

I find myself with a really dissonant reaction to this essay, because I agree in large parts but disagree on many of the particulars. There’s something very retro-future in how cyberpunk is brought up today, almost encompassing a look as opposed to actual themes sometimes (see: Steampunk, imo it’s most neutered

That was their intended business plan, but wall street and the like think that doesn’t make enough money, and they’ll get bought out that way. So the hail mary of their own streaming service, which maybe just delays it, but as everyone takes content production in house, they’d have less customers and business

When he made the original? Yeah. And I guess it’s not super important, but the fact he was married Maggie Cheung after the movie, so this is a role defined by his now ex-wife, there’s definitely a weird energy to this choice.

I’m glad for the developments because honestly because I don’t think this is a case of pay equity needing to be tied to revenue creation but also, I don’t think revenue is this slam dunk proposition. The USWNT makes more money on a World Cup cycle but not actually that much more since “revenue” in this case is so tied

I’m not calling for a wholesale abandonment of what came before, but emphasizing a vision of the future of the sport larger than that what we have. Particularily as it’s appeal begins at an international level. This isn’t a homegrown sport that’s grown to international stature and participation, like basketball. It’s

Right—I get the argument and personally and I think they could do with a program of salaries on top of equalizing national team representation as a separate development of the women’s game investment. Presumably that’s gone (and the men now have childcare covered) in other to reach this CBA. The reality of the game

These aren’t companies—these are non-profit institutions whose stated goals are to propagate the popularity of the sport. National team representation is not a assignment purely for performance, and isn’t measured as such. That’d be like deciding to give out bigger gold medals to athletes in more popular sports.

Do you know if the salary caps on non-American players are still in place? I know it’d be a step closer to potentially ending the feel-good for Americans domination of the USNWT, but it’d be good for the league and good for the game. I would love the American team being “just” a dominant perennial in a more competitive

FIFA and national federations are non-profits meant to promote the game. Revenue driven wages are for athletes day jobs--in this case, their club teams. National team representation has always been something else.