
“The two biggest red flags someone has an alcohol problem is hiding the consumption from others, and relying on alcohol to get through the day,” Martha Duke, a spokeswoman for the sobriety support network Recovering Out Loud told Page Six

I used to be a daily AV Club reader—dating back to before the AV Club was even online. The quality of writing, the thoughtfulness, the humor—it was all second to none.

Hundreds if not thousands of wonderful trans actors?

I’ve really never understood the problem with actors playing roles of characters when they don’t have every trait of the character, and this article spends so much time wallowing in unearned snark that it doesn't even make an attempt to make a case for why it's bad, just assuming everyone will agree. C'est la vie, I

Hmm... I suspect I won’t get stars here given the usual population... but good for Tulsi. I lean left on most any issue (and even consider myself left-leaning when it comes to trans-rights), but we have to be realistic here. If you don’t accept that biological men have a distinct advantage in muscle mass / bone

“They were trying to turn one thing into, kind of, another.”

I was taught in j-school to write for clarity and that if an activist group tried to police your language, to throw their tips in the trash. you can’t cover this story without using the both names. otherwise there is no story.

At this point, it seems like Whedon is the one sustaining abuse.

Look. I have no idea who you are (other than a vague suspicion your account is linked to/an alter for Moral Dictata), and I have no idea who Dino Ironbody is. I do not particularly care for Joss Whedon. I suspect my political views are more closely aligned with yours than theirs.

He says that he didn’t get “paid” for the show, and that people think he got rich from that show, which I assume means he doesn’t get paid every time that show airs. But I would be damn curious to know whether he got a lump sum from Viacom when he originally signed away his rights to the show, because I truly can’t

The woke internet: preaching kindness while telling everyone who doesn’t stick to the script that they seem dumb.

John Cleese is a very old comedian who still has the relative-to-age progressive opinion that trans people should be happy and treated with kindness, and also that self-proclaimed ‘woke’ people are often humourless and lacking perspective. I’m not defending his bad jokes that started it, but that’s a completely accurat

Holy fucking Christ, people. Do you know who didn’t accurately portray Alexander Hamilton? Lin-Manuel Miranda. Do you you know who didn’t accurately portray Ed Warren? Josh Lucas. I could do this for hours.  It’s called acting. This kind of shit is so fucking played out. Bryan Cranston was cast to play a

Well, I’m sure there’ll be some uproar gainst Riz once they hear of it.

Thank you, I was composing an answer but you explained it pretty clearly and succinctly.

Cops are good in general.

I’ll give you this, Sam: if you’re intentionally trying to shirk jury duty, this bizarre take is something I’d suggest that you print out and bring with you for the next time you’re summoned. Even a 24 year old ADA a couple months out of law school would never let you get empaneled after this.

“Cops are also often bad in general” For fucks sake. This is a sad story, that just got sadder after hearing of the man’s circumstances. Can we leave this shit for another more relevant article? I hope the man gets help, I hope Moranis is ok and that it all ends well.

It's a real thing on the left and Twitter. The GOP doesn't give a shit. See: Al Franken getting torpedoed for no good reason . 

Aesop Rock’s new release “Spirit World Field Guide” also came out today.