
Can I just put this out there: not feeling confident in your “skills” is a shitty excuse. It comes down to whether your want her, and whether  you care about her pleasure. If you are making an effort, she will likely be more than happy to guide you. Foreplay isn’t about technique... It’s about making your girl

So should women have the same attitude towards casual male encounters? Should we not give a shit about your pleasure or whether you’re fully ready or not, just get what we need and get out? No guy outside of a “relationship” would ever get a blowjob again.  I'm so sick of men thinking they're the only ones who matter

Being sick shouldn’t be something our country punishes. Having asthma or diabetes shouldn’t be a death sentence, and being a woman shouldn’t cost more. I’m sure none of these old men who are threatening this will be affected by it in any way. Perhaps they should be forced to have the health insurance they create,