
The first 500+ I drove was an SLS AMG, and it was nice and low and wide. Then this year I treated myself a 560 HP 2013 German beast from Munich. It's insanely satisfying, but I also realized that in the US, you don't get your bang for the buck, unless you track your car (which I'm happily doing whenever I can).

It's portuguese, though.

This is a 360.


Amazing how the driver goes 'Hmmmm, I don't really want to rear-end a P1 right now...' in almost all curves...

Good point. I think the badges, as far as brands go, did lose some appeal... they slap an M in many cars now. Same goes with AMG, you can buy a C250 with AMG wheels and some minor trim changes, but it's still a 250.

You can snatch a 2013 M5 with low miles for 72k, B&O and everything. I think it's a very subtle car, as far as "super" goes. Gearheads can spot M5s, but I know A LOT of people who wouldn't have a clue.

It's the Eric Cartman roller coaster strategy, and it somehow works.

As a Florida resident, I think this whole "Florida is the arse of America" thing is trespassing the joke barrier and entering bullying territory. Hail for freedom of speech, though.

The other day I went to a track day in Homestead (Chin club) and there was a guy with a Dodge minivan "racing" with the novice...

Announce the car for sale, pre-sell it, get the deposits and build it. Easy.

Dude, honestly? This looks really, really bad, not worthy.

I can't remember the order, but back in the day when cars were carburated, I remember cleaning them on our Chevy Monza and Chevy Diplomata (GM Brazil). Those ethanol fueled cars also needed some hand sometimes to get going, because it would just gasp on too much alcohol if you couldn't control your impetus to put your

Mine was a Motorola PT-550...

I have to agree. Maybe those are stored drawings from when Ford owned Land Rover?

I haven't driven this one, but ferocious cars like this with non-manual gearboxes are not super fun to drive around town, just in case you want or you have to. If I were to drop the monies needed for a car like this I wouldn't want to make it track-only. It's like a Ferrari 430 Scuderia, you feel like it's going to

Yes, actually.

I also enjoy the Google experience, but the camera still kills me. I do take a lot of pictures and the iPhone pictures still look a cut above those of the Nexus 4. Even in full Sun I would be able to spot a picture taken with an iPhone4S/5 vs. a Nexus 4. When Google/Motorola launch a real camera contender, I will head

Cuz snowbirds come down to Florida during winter?