four issues:
four issues:
so rarely do you get the details to a perfect lemon case
too much car - too little driver
If Crown is a new Toyota sub-brand then we should get the true sedan as well. From the Avalon fan club here in Iowa!
The too much product issue is short term. Dealers don’t have much trust in Ford largely because of 3 issues:
The Miata color combos are so out of place with the car itself
In convert form I would hope.
Got to go with the Mazda and the Morgan. I have a Fiat Spyder so I’m almost 50% there.
Barra makes 30 mi, Farley makes 20 mil and they are shocked that there is a strike?
Amazing that GM can’t find a way to build both versions that follow the US homologation rules somewhere in Canada , the US, or Mexico. Instead GM works on 350,000 BEVs.
Collin: Teh isue is not car or truck based the issue is that it needs to be cheaper and smaller than a Tacoma with better gas mileage
Why do auto makers care about who or why their cars are sold after they have been purchased new on the legit. Please let someone with more OEM insight enlighten me. Perhaps a new Ford GT owner
If true stupid beyond belief. these used trucks do not go local yokels looking for a cheap ride and some owner was sure to run it through a complicated reader. Now many will be doing the same thing.
why can’t we get plain old station wagons here in the US?. Volvo tried but here in Iowa you had to order it first and I’m not the type to spend $60,000 plus on a vehicle I have not already driven.
Toyota never likes legal battles over tiny issues and Ford felt it was a big deal and which it was not.
social media has everyone with a smart phone on edge as compared to 25 years ago
what a mess for 75,000 or more
We should have gotten the GR Yaris even if the std. Yaris was going to sent to bed here in the US. Mexico gets the Hilux, the HiAce, and the GR Yaris. The US Toyota distribution system on these tiny volume vehicles also needs work.
get to 50 mph and 100 miles on the battery and you would find US demand. Keep the price within 1000 more than current
Farley has known about these problems since he arrived more than 10 years ago. Fixing or changing a company culture can be imposable unless you go to the very edge and Ford is not there yet.