Flight of the Conch Hordes

I hope this math is right because I just put it all over Facebook.

That was a compliment I thought

Smart plan.  A part wall isn’t a wall just like a car without tires isn’t a vehicle. 

Girls are ok to be short

If you think about the difference between men and women what comes to mind first is usually the hips.  Men have little tiny ones, kinda flat and boring, but womens’ have large curvy ones that attracts the man.  It’s just one difference, but an important one.  For those huge hips help push the baby out during

That looks just like the picture imo

Oh God not more of this please, please.  At some point we all haev to get back along how we used to and this is just plain old divisiveness.  Instead of drawing lines and separating sides we should be building bridges and giving each other hugs. If you don’t think so then you can got join Trump, even though that’s

Who is Steve Nash

lol PR is so F’ed

Smart <— check

Many cultures prefer a really gigantic bootys and if you think about it that makes sense. For example, how do you give birth? With big hips and a botty. So, it seems natural but we haven’t been exposed to such preferences for some time now, prob not since around the Crusades or when the UK took over many places around

LOL it looks like a baseball helmet.

Unnerving when lesbian couples insist on looking like a husband and wife instead of wife and wife.  Time to embrace all of it and not pretend to be what society wants.  We be what we want.  No fear.

Kim K started a trend with big fake bootys. Now everyone wants them because she has a billion social media followers.

Maybe you should be like her personal protector and savior.

Someone’s been watching to much Shawshank Redemption.

I don’t care that she’s a butterface because the butter is so good.


He is short too, like 5 foot 2, or even 1.  I think he needs to gracefully step down from the Oscars, regardless of what Ellen says.  Just because she’s L in LGBTQ doesn’t mean she speaks for GTBQ.

Tell you what I love Madonna - La Isla Bonita, Vogue, Lucky Star, Borderline, many other hits - but she needs to stop pretending that she is even in her 30s because guess what? Nobody takes her seriously. So when she actually makes some good points about Trump or guns or politics everyone just doesn’t listen because