
Sure, drop me off of a cliff. Yes, I've enjoyed the Trump stuff, but overall, I've long felt that show was very overrated.

Was it anti-climactic? Yes. Did Orphan Black earn it? You bet your bippy!

Even more vicious!

"This time Rachel, I get to use pestilence to wipe out your farms. Yeah, not looking so smug now, are you?"


Although I certainly love seeing both Helena and Art getting their full badass on, part of me wants to see Team Hendrix busting in to that place and showing that their garage isn't the only locale where they can throw down. Let's face it, we'd all pay good money to see Alison storm the Dyad gates with her glue gun and

So long Gracie, Ferdinand and especially the glorious Mrs. S. They made the OB galaxy shine a little brighter.

My wife and I watching the last scene:

That look on Donnie's face pretty much said it all.

Westmoreland activated their little bug bot implants and killed off the leaders, so he now just has the loyal mobsters around? Sounds about as plausible as anything else.

I wasn't thinking of non-Tat stuff, just about what characters would be fun to be with each other, and bouncing off of each other. Really, do we need to have a big reason to watch Helena dealing with clueless, out-of-their-depth business types while Krystal barrels through everything she can find (and Art finds new

I really want to see Felix, Delphine & Adele storming around Geneva. This show's fans deserve that.

I suspect he'll be back to be clone cannon fodder (gotta be one of those) for the inevitable shootout that will occur late in the season. It'll be under the category of "clone who unknowingly sacrifices themself for the sestras."

Glad that Vancouver is back on its feet. They seemed to have had a decline for a time. And I hadn't heard about Hamilton doing well. That's good. Canada needs more regular filming locations.

Special feature commentary for the Complete Series box set.

They really should give some sort of (small) closure to that story.

Yeah, I've been wondering what those kids have been up to (not so much about the ghost though).

"As always, there are like 12 actors in Canadian television."…and they play about 39 roles per week.

If we don't see Vic the Dick before the season is out, I will be sorely disappointed. I expect to see Cal somewhere near the end of all this as well.

If that's the only Alison continuity error in this insane show (and I say that in a good way), then you know they got their shit together. I think they've earned a pass.