
When a female say something in dating, she always mean the opposite and this situation proved true.

Don't worry, we all think you're the Cool Girl(TM) here.

All I know is that you have time to whine and concern troll like you think that does a fucking thing. You really want to help? How about you get out there with the rest of us and actually get involved in your community? This is a board where people come to talk with others and garner support and a sense of community.

There is a pretty heavy slant involved. While I can't speak for everyone, I've noticed that the women who claim that they don't need feminism or that rape culture doesn't exist etc, are generally middle-class or higher white-ish women who generally don't have to worry about the negative effects of rape culture.

*cat intensifies*

What, you gonna whine more?

I wasn't talking to you you piece of shit. Stay in your own conversations.


It's funny because if this guy lived in the 50s he'd be complaining about why black people are making all this racket and they should just go back to their own schools.

Well as a pedophile, I definitely know the hypocrisy that happens on the Gawker websites.

It looks like you're the one with the agenda. Jus' sayin' you might want to get that checked out.

with disgusting appearances like these.

I think it's going to put someone in a offended-by-sex registry.

Well, sometimes something looks like shit and smells like shit, so you probably don't want to find out if it tastes like shit too.

I think that it takes a pretty willfully ignorant individual to believe that the media that we surround ourselves with has no effect on who we become as people.

You said it. That shit made great shows like the Monogatari series really weird to watch at times.

You took an argument that had some merit and made as asinine as humanely possible.