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    You should never trust anyone who wears their watch on the wrong wrist. Frickin’ animals...

    First I think “hey, it’s just a replica”.

    I can see that. It’s so much easier to just pick your bag up rather than roll it. I generally just skip that noise and sit in the front.

    But you don’t mind waiting 20 minutes at the baggage claim?

    I fly 125k miles a year, and I hate gate checking with a burning passion. Let me take my bag on the plane, I don’t really want to stand in a 38 or 104 degree jet bridge for my bag when I probably need to pee, and I have places to be that aren’t an airport.

    Sad. I was a big fan of the old Commander. It was like an XJ that could hold my family. This looks like a deformed porpoise.

    Wow. Started out as a post about a car, ended with an exceptionally sad story, written with the acidity and reality that makes me want just go to bed.

    Was he declared mentally ill?

    I think I’m going to link this article to anyone who starts saying that Trump/Obama/Bush/Clinton/Bush etc. is/was the devil.

    You use Panasonic products every day, you just don’t know it.

    Hurricane Harvey was rain flooding.

    Most of the flooding was due to rain, not surge. I live 55 miles from the closest salt water, and our area of town was under several feet of water.

    I want to jump a motorcycle over it.

    Lordy. I live in Houston, and we know a little about floods. Floods that freeze? Screw that.

    COTD or I quit.

    That is so much money for not nearly enough car.

    If they are, it’s not large enough to make it not work.

    I’m not rich by any means, and my taxes will go down quite a bit. Try the calculator, it’s enlightening. That being said, Trump is still an idiot, but the tax plan doesn’t suck.

    This is pretty darn close to number one on my most wanted list. Maybe if I sell 32 kidneys....

    You may be on to something....