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    Some people have more than two kids and need to tow things.

    I think it’s the actual antique box that he’s trying to save, not the contents.

    Yeah, all those moneybag farmers. You know that plain old table grapes come from vineyards too, right?

    Seriously, this needs to be on everyone’s bucket list. My wife and I saw them accidentally in Jasper, Alberta, at Pyramid Lake in May of 2017. It was frickin’ amazing. We were really just planning on going out to the island to see the stars. What I didn’t realize is how much they moved or how long it went - we were

    You’re probably right.

    It’s an unintended consequence of the breakdown of the nuclear family. A lot changed when two incomes became the norm. Raise taxes, they got the money. Raise prices, they got the money. Lower wages, there are two incomes. Etc....

    Depends on where you live. I’m right where you are, but I have a very large family, so this is not realistic. If I was single, and making $15k-20k a month, this would be very doable. I can buy a truly beautiful home in my area for about $500k, so $3k/month for a car would be quite doable.

    Why do we need to pay a bloated bureaucracy to do the right thing? That’s just waste.

    They do. That’s why 1/3 of the US’s charitable donations come from the top 1%

    Single dudes and outside sales - the Jagerbomb Aficionados of society.

    You’re advocating murder?

    This isn’t for “average” American families. Average incomes drive average cars.

    Yup. In my experience, bad managers want you because they read Sun Tzu, or at least some quotes from Sun Tzu, and they want to keep their employees closer.

    Yes, if you need to physically touch your coworkers, then I suppose you should go to the club, er, office.

    Yes, there are, but why? Most of those jobs don’t need to be in the office. Send them home.

    I’m amazed that rush hour is still a thing. There are fewer and fewer jobs that actually require you go to an office. Telecommuting adds years to your life. I used to sit in the car for three hours a day. Three hours times 40 years is a lot of hours wasted.

    I love me some TT, and I love me some convertible, but this is just too green. If this had a tan interior, I’d be in, but wow.

    Yow, that’s crazy.


    Honest Jalop here. I drove a TJ for 120k miles with grand total of $200 in non-maintenance repairs.