Make sure to fill up when you get to the Buffalo exit on 45.
Make sure to fill up when you get to the Buffalo exit on 45.
Speaking as a Houstonian, how did you not fill your car and buy water last week? We knew this was coming for days.
Get a Honda.
Michael Berry Army FTW.
And most of Houston...
Wow, you’re really ignorant. Very closed-minded.
That’s all they have to work with.
It is so much cheaper to live almost anywhere - pay the tax and go.
It seems to me that the whole NY/NJ area needs an intervention. The rest of the country can see that they’re in trouble, and that their life is a mess, but they just keep spiraling out of control.
Depends on the car and the terrain. I’ve had several rentals with this, sometimes it was fine, other times it was terrible. I take that back, it was almost always terrible, and one time it didn’t suck. The only time it was tolerable was in a Volvo in a flat area. Every other time, I’ve disabled it. It takes too long…
If 12 years is a ticking time bomb, then I’m going to have to say that every transmission is the world is a ticking time bomb.
Came here to say this. I have a 2005 Suburban for the family truckster. It’s ugly, but it’s comfy and reliable, and I’ve towed trailers from Houston to Denver and back, and Houston to Charlotte and back, and it just keeps kicking.
My high mile Suburban disagrees.
I had a Passat TDI that was, sadly, killed in a flood in Houston. I got it new, and put 22k miles on it. I refilled the DEF once. I bought a jug on sale at Auto Zone for $8.
Wow, that’s a whole different level. I’m so sorry to hear that.
You have a good thing going for you, don’t try to break it. My wife is 5'4" and 110 lbs. When we met in 1996, she was 5'4" and 110 lbs. In the past two decades, we have had nine (yes, really) children. She can still wear the jeans from college we found in a box.
I had an 83 Honda with 180k miles on it. It was a good car.
I’ve driven them. They suck.
The Journey is bought by fleets and broke people who can be talked in to sub-prime loans, so of course they are still selling.
I know - my Passat needed almost $8 worth of DEF in 20k miles. Screw that.