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    Uber eats is a real thing, now. I can get this in just about any of the NFL cities.

    Insert joke about female Subaru drivers here. Something something flannel something something softball.

    I worked in transit security for several years. In several of the cities who were my customers, 25-40% of all the violent crime in the city took place on public transportation or at a public transportation facility. It’s not about “gentrification”, it’s about not drinking battery acid.

    I had one of those about 17 years ago, a 1980, if IIRC. It was by far the best car I ever owned.

    And now I’m walking out to my Passat with a ruler....

    All. Day. Long.

    Yup, but why not have two really high scores instead of one really high and one pretty darn high? The target isn’t 800, it’s 850. Then again, once the house is paid off, I’m planning on letting my credit drop to zero.

    Yup, my wife “bought” several of our cars. On paper. When we were younger, she got the new car, I got the used car. She doesn’t care about cars, I picked out several that I like, she test drove them and picked the prettiest one. Who bought the car? Hint: My wife stays home with our kids and has an income of exactly

    It’s almost as if they are marketing to the group of people who are the primary decision makers and purchasers of the largest percentage of new cars.

    Powerful argument you have there.

    All the game company big wigs are there. Trade shows are about more than the attendees...

    I’m thinking this is kind of inevitable. They’re driving really fast cars really fast, which they have never driven before, on unfamiliar roads, and all for our viewing enjoyment.

    I’m not a 911 fanboy, but that thing is seriously sweet.

    I went VW, and never looked back.

    Chronograph? That’s a wall clock with a belt. I like a large time piece as much as the next guy, but lordy, that thing is huge.

    It’s a luxury cruiser.

    If this has anything less that 150k miles, it’s a done deal. You can probably talk him down to $4k, and it’s a pretty sweet summer.



    I concur.