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    Couldn’t they basically just use Evil Eddie from Lady Death and say that’s his comic? I mean they have a similar design and I can’t imagine it’ll be to different story wise.

    My wife uses her fitness tracker for sleep apnea, and it’ll track her sleep rate. We’re still in the early stages of getting it fixed, but it’s been real informative and has helped her doctors immensely. I imagine the biggest reason you wouldn’t want one is mostly due to the fact that you, amongst many others, either

    The NGPC was my go to in Highschool.

    Peanut Butter (only) on Bread. I eat like 4 every night.

    Isn’t this basically the plot to the movie Imposter (2002)?

    People believe The Onion is a real news site, why wouldn’t they think the photos are real?

    What’s the obsession with sharks in the streets? The 90's cartoon Street Sharks is where the obsession comes from.

    “I have money to spend, and Jalopnik needs visitors like me to spend the money I have”

    “Why would we fight wars where there aren’t people?”

    Closer to Disneyland

    Without that extra piece of the inhaler that you basically stick in your mouth, than most of spray won’t actually get to your lungs. But if they had a working demo of it I might change my tune. Definitely be nicer that carrying the one I have around though, specially with limited pocket space.

    So it’ll be like the different medals you get in games like COD.

    Since Link is male he isn’t allowed to ask for directions.

    What’s the best way to determine what to fix or look into after smoke comes from under the hood. My mechanical knowledge is beginner, but I’m willing to learn more if pointed in the right direction.

    “It takes all of 30 minutes and will taste better than any pizza you can get delivered”

    The Bucket List taught me to never trust a fart.

    I prefer the "longreads" as it helps me pass the time and I get an insight into what I'm reading.

    Titanfall meets lego