fyi world population is more like 7.5 - 7.7 than 6 billion
fyi world population is more like 7.5 - 7.7 than 6 billion
actually in the russian feed the PBP guy says Cleveland wins and his color guy chimes in saying “no we’re tied” and then onto the JR mental collapse...
via the guardian:
didnt sosa jack 20 HRs in june ‘98? you mean most HRs in July, right?
was it Jeff Reardon?
i dont think bemused means what u think it means
six returns in’06. guessing youre just looking at a stats page and forgetting the FG vs the NYG
He’s yelling “What a Defense! I want to marry this Defense! I want to have this Defense’s babies! I want...” [vid cuts out]
strike not lockout
fwiw they did this same thing in the SB against the niners:
i dont know what it’s like now but my ‘83 russian birth certificate says: “Place of Birth - Russia/ Nationality - Jewish”
yuh this def should be noted in the piece
explained here: