
I would add that too often "terrorism" is committed by people of different races/origins/whatever. Storylines like these infer that when different kinds of people live together, one side dominates and it leads to violence. I feel like we're fighting the civil rights era all over again.

Afghanis refers to money.

I don't see a lot of people saying they deserve no money. Rather people are willing to pay _this_ amount of money for _this_ service. Netflix subscription prices seem OK for a lot of people, and the company isn't going bankrupt because the prices are too low.

Link says for iPhone and Android. When I look on my WP7, I see nothing. Are Bing and Windows Phone still part of the same company?

Define smart. I know my two standard schnauzers wouldn't last a couple days in the wilderness. Is smart being able to hunt and get your own food? Or evade predators? Or get pricklers out of their paws? Heck, my female dog can't even poop without making a mess on herself.

Big shots like Coppola often have deals with the studios where they agree to make commercial films they don't love, so they can get support to do the ones they do.

My projection is that the biggest challenge with a younger actor like that is avoiding the "whiny, angsty" label that was often put on young John Connor in Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles. Any storyline that has the boy-shoved-into-manhood character, especially during war time, faces that issue.

@NyQuil012: My wife doesn't like beef, so I do turkey, which bunches up into big unsavory chunks. My solution is the potato masher to get a finer texture. I assume TBell has something like that.

@NyQuil012: People do this every day.

@MrTripps: For the bilingual, that's DEE-os. It sounds different from the Spanish word with similar spelling.

I'm no scientist, but it seems rather inappropriate to use "silence" to describe a visual phenomenon.

@Maave: I'm curious. Does comcast or the others allow you to get internet without the tv part?

@neums: When was it slow? I don't recall. The only other instance I can think of is when the one shapeshifter kills Charlie and takes his identity with the mouth prong device. Wasn't that really fast too?

@revealingjustin: A lot of this debate about the top sounds like my college philosophy class. Descartes, Locke, Hume ... none of those guys had THE answer. Kierkegaard too, though I'm not familiar with him. It's all different ways of balancing our physical reality with abstract thought.

@realsnickers: Unlikely. The TSA could not police that, since they're not police. And the real cops at the airport are too few.

@coonsrc: There are tons of people who fly who don't know anything about this whole debate. They don't watch the news, they don't read the newspapers, they don't know that pat-downs are going on so frequently. They don't know about the new scanners, and if they do, maybe they've only heard that they show their naked

@Spaceboy: Midway through the episode, I asked my wife: do you think the show runner comes back to the writers and says, hey, this is nice, but it needs to sound more like a 14 year old wrote it.

@robotraum: That was my feeling. She knew she had to get out of the gift shop to ... escape the pull of the tank, I guess.

@acrobaticrabbit: "Manhatan" goes back to s2 e15, Jacksonville. It was the opening of the episode with the architecture office and the guy working late on plans for the "Pentagon Annex", talking about coffee being scarce, and the micro-quakes. Then the guy comes crashing through to our world and merges with another

@acrobaticrabbit: Wasn't the whole point that she was trying to get out of the gift shop? It seemed to me that if she could have gone out the doors and left the gift shop, then she would have been out of reach for them to pull her back. So her body is in one place, but in two different dimensions.