That's got to be a fake. Jason Garrett doing something aggressive offensively AND defending one of his players in public?
That's got to be a fake. Jason Garrett doing something aggressive offensively AND defending one of his players in public?
Jimmy John's Founder: Dude, Brock, I have to ask. What's with the pants?
It's a clever homage to the fact that most people who eat at Jimmy John's are high/wasted.
Bill Raftery: ONIONS!
Other Theories Chester Has
Seriously? If the minimum car weight is 2000lbs and you have a driver who weighs 140lbs and a driver who weighs 172lbs which car is going to be faster on track?
Kick in the door sippin' the 44
Kellen Winslow Sr. picks Kellen Clemens as favorite namesake
The Aristocrats!
It's a real Snoop Doggy Dogg world sometimes Red Sox fans, it's a shame it seems like the Yankees have complete free rain on the free agent world. Cheer up though for all intensive purposes with the length of the contract in could be a blessing in the sky.
Man, what a great video. Well done yet again, Mr. Belichick.
The Patriots also have: Shots! Shots! Aaron! But that was killed in the night.
"I just think it makes us look like not an NFL team.”
We all know he wasn't a "True" Raders fan or the article would be talking about the woman recovering from her impalement wounds too...
They are who we thought they were. And we let em off the hook.
He sheepishly rubbed his balls a lot.
Garb in question.
Downie said it was worth it, and making personal sacrifices is part of being on a team.
Berman to Olbermann in the high school newspaper office: "You're with me, letter to the editor."