“...because taking the fastest route is supposed to be the point of using a navigation app.”
“...because taking the fastest route is supposed to be the point of using a navigation app.”
It’s not silly at all. Especially in a car with a third pedal. My route home from the office is generally about 5 minutes longer and is more distance, but I don’t have to suffer through the stop and go torture that is the quickest route through the center of town. And my left leg doesn’t get as much of a workout.
Honestly, I just don’t even bother replying to most of those people. Saves me both time and a headache.
Haha. Dude. I really am sorry if even my apology came off wrong. I’m thinking we both probably have really similar personalities at this point. In any case, hope you have a better day today. I promise I will do my best not to be a jerk to you. :)
LOL. You just can’t stop replying can you?
Yeah. The point I was getting at though was that there are other areas in the US where people also casually throw out Tri-State area. I work with folks in Philly and hear them casually throw the term around as well. Except they don’t mean NY/NJ/CT, they mean PA/NJ/DE.
Nah man. You seem to have picked up some hostility from my original comment. Perhaps it was my use of foul language that set you off? If that’s the case, I’ll apologize, but also suggest that a thicker skin would be useful in life. My original comment was not an attack on you at all, man. It was just commentary on…
What leads to personal frustration for me is that, while I live in one tri-state area (THE tri-state area if Mr. New York up there is to be believed) I daily work with folks in Philly who will use the term to refer to the Delaware Valley (PA/NJ/DE) tri-state area. It’d be nice if the whole country could just pick one…
You should probably re-examine your life if you get that angry over somebody commenting on a personal pet peeve. I’m not sure why you took it as a reason to personally attack me, but I point back to my assumption that you are basically the stereotype of the self-centered New Yorker asshole. You have yet to prove me…
Did you even read the link you included? The first paragraph reads:
Pet peeve here: which fuckin’ tri-state? There are like three or four places around the country that can be called the “tri-state” area. At least two of which include parts of New Jersey. (NYC area and Philly area.)
I think I work with some of those guys. Seriously, at least a couple of times per year I’ll be in a stall doing my business and I can hear some other guy just scrub, scrub, scrubbing away at... something with toilet paper. I always had to wonder how raw their anus must be.
Actually, I’m quite happy to let these people do the stupid things that I’m curious enough to wonder about, but too smart to actually act on. They are doing important work! For science!
This is seriously the best article I’ve seen here all week. I have been mystified by this apparent heat exchanger for years now and am extremely satisfied to finally know the answer.
You guys act like you’ve never used a cell phone headset to take a phone call before.
It’s interesting that you mention this. A friend was asking my opinion of Overwatch the other day and I told him that I basically stopped playing it once they introduced the ranked league system. Suddenly the level of toxicity in even unranked play skyrocketed. As an adult gamer with a life outside of the computer, a…
This. I don’t really have much time for online gaming these days, but when I did play a lot I generally sought out those servers and communities with no tolerance for this kind of shit. I’m here to play games, not listen to some little shit talk trash. So when I found a server owned by a group who would actually admin…
These conversations just make me realize how little I knew when I was attending weddings as a single man in my 20's. I probably disappointed a few friends along the way. I’m glad they’re still friends with me!
This is why you don’t stand “downstream” of a car on the dyno. Using a broom is just dumb, though.
You maybe should have led with that.