I know you didn’t ask me, but I’ve used the Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO on my last couple of builds. It’s been a great cooler for me so far.
I know you didn’t ask me, but I’ve used the Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO on my last couple of builds. It’s been a great cooler for me so far.
Heh. It’s probably been about a year and a half since I built my current rig with an i7-6700k. Now you’re going to make me worry. ;)
(The reality is that I’ve built/repaired so many computers at this point that I rarely worry anymore. Put differently, I’ve seen enough shit happen to know that sometimes there’s no good…
Haha. Something similar happened to me with a work cell phone I had at one point. The previous owner of the number was apparently an hispanic truck driver. So, not only would I frequently get texts from his family in Spanish, I would get calls at obscenely early morning hours asking me to come fill in for another…
I’m in a similar situation. My real name isn’t terribly common, but I guess it’s still common enough. I got in to Gmail when it was still invite only, so I snagged first.last@gmail.com. Let’s just say my name is John Smith, so John.Smith@gmail.com. This was great for a while until John N Smith signed up for:…
My best friend was the SNES guy. So between the two of us, we had the two major bases covered!
I lived far enough out of town that there weren’t a lot of kids my age within walking distance, so my closest friends and I generally would stay the night at each other’s places (so our parents didn’t have to drive back to pick us up at night). This meant carrying our game consoles to each others’ houses too. The…
This is really my only complaint about these super detailed rides - they tend to be so massive that they take up basically the whole park. There’s no room for other rides in your park.
Haha. As your elder, I can assure you that you are not yet old. However, it probably does differ for me in that I am in the IT industry. I don’t really touch hardware anymore (except for my own, obviously), and maybe that’s why I still enjoy building my own. It gives me a path to keep my hands “dirty” on the hardware…
That’s fair. In my case I started building gaming PCs because of the cost. Now, I’ve worked on/built/re-built enough machines that it’s kind of second nature. Sometimes shit happens, but it’s rarely more than an inconvenience for me now. I’ve got enough spares and extra computers lying around that I’m surprised my…
I don’t know. I feel like buying somebody else’s setup is putting too much trust in the other guy to have done things right the first time. At least if you do it yourself, you have nobody but yourself to blame when it goes wrong.
That’s all fine and dandy, but when your real estate agent calls you to tell you that two different people opted not to make an offer on your house because your neighbor had a truck parked in the middle of his front yard you might feel differently. Selling my first house was made extremely difficult due to the yahoos…
Incorrect. The laws differ from municipality to municipality, but I was shocked to find that, where I live, HOAs have the power to not only put a lien against your house, but also to initiate a foreclosure on your property to recover their unpaid dues. This will effectively kick you out of your own home.
That’s more due to your proximity to Boston where property values far outweigh the national average. Any potential decreases in home value are far outweighed by the proximity to a a highly desirable metropolitan area. Further, with the greater overall value of home prices in the Boston area, a homeowner is can more…
To this day I’ve only ever found one person who has tried Winters and seems to think they are inferior to all season tires. My best guess is that he either drives like a twat or bought shitty winter tires. Dude tried to claim sliding through an intersection on drive pavement with his winters... needless to say, I…
As a formerly frequent flyer, I can verify that this is SOP for any time the pilot leaves the cockpit during a flight, whether it’s to stretch his legs or take a bathroom break. Cart goes out, door opens and pilot comes out, door closes behind pilot. FA then continues to man the cart until such time as the pilot…
Christ. That list makes literally no sense. The first one on the list, Arkansas Passport Center, is in Hot Springs, AR. The closest commercial airport is an hour away in Little Rock. Why isn’t the passport office located in Little Rock, which is not only the largest city in the state, but also smack dab in the center…
Thank you. This is like the kindergarten equivalent of an actual scientific test. He needs to equalize the variables as much as possible and expand the test to further scenarios.
Also: alcohol. Both the cause of and the solution to all of life’s problems. ;)
That’s totally fair and I get it. I used to fly semi-regularly on US Airways Beechcraft 1900s. That’s an even smaller plane, holding just 19 passengers. And it could be like a roller coaster when you hit turbulence. I found it fun personally, but I’m weird.
Why? Do propellers scare you?