A really long display name that indicates I like cars.

“A Better Way” is anything but. A few years ago I was in the market for a used Cayman S. They had one in stock, so I drove down there to look at it. I spent about 30 seconds in the parking lot, before turning around and driving away. It didn’t take long to see what kind of a dealershit that place is.

A similar story: a group of friends used to own a race shop. One of the guys once decided the easiest way to get rid of an stripped race car chasis was easiest to cut it into pieces and throw in the dumpster.

Not really misuse, but I did once haul a $500 TV in the back of a project car I paid $300 for. This was still the days of tube TVs and the box wouldn’t fit in the trunk or back seat of my daily driver sedan. But it fit just fine in the hatch of my $300 AE86 project car.

I can’t imagine trying to claim that one on my insurance.

Welcome to the world of hyper partisanship. Where nothing gets done because the adults in congress want to act like a bunch of spoiled children and compromise on nothing.

What a bunch of clowns. Alanis, you, Stef, and Kristen do a great job around here, and can easily give the rest of the boys a run for their money when it comes to automotive journalism. Any guy who treats car girls differently really should just grow the heck up.

Keep in mind that, depending on the structure and interest rate of your debt, it can sometimes be more advantageous to invest your money in a security or securities with a return greater than the interest you are paying. For instance, many new car auto loans are 0.something or 1.something percent interest. With

I’d buy that for a dollar!

What happens if they are in a roll over accident? These karts don’t include roll hoops, so I would imagine the driver could be seriously hurt by the kart if still strapped in during a roll over.

Heh. Just read the headline, looked at the picture, and somehow immediately knew this had to have happened in Philly. Not sure why, but it feels like a very Philadelphia thing to happen.

I hope this isn’t a sensitive question, but how big is Jason? I’m 5'11" and ~235lbs. I get the feeling that I would probably get stuck if I tried that!

As somebody who unknowingly did this last week*, I can confirm that your points count the same when you call.

I wonder if the easiness is partially due to the relative age of the language plus the low number of speakers. It’s no secret that languages evolve over time (particularly English) through use. So, it stands to reason that a low use language would have less variance over time.

Keep in mind, I’m saying all of this as

Two comments: early morning flights are always hard on people who aren’t morning people. I’ve tried doing day trips to and from another office and I’m generally only at 50% productivity for the entire day instead of 90% productivity when I fly in the night before and get a good night’s sleep.

Two: the converse of this

I still have an ‘05 350Z. At 78k miles, nobody has yet to break off that cupholder, despite it staying open 90% of the time. Things it will also hold:
1. A 20oz bottle of Soda.
2. A Venti sized Starbucks (or whatever the heck the largest size is, becuase that’s what the wife orders)
3. Pretty much anything else that will

What just struck me is how poorly the average STI owner (like me) fits the usual Subaru stereo types. Granted, I don’t vape, have zero tattoos or piercings, and work a corporate office job, so I don’t fit the average STI owner stereotype either....

Spoken like somebody who is not a parent! :)

Methinks you replied to the wrong article today. Easy to do with these ridiculous infinite scrolling websites.

And people wonder why I moved out of Arkansas.

If it was on the correct side of NYC, then yes. But I have no appetite to drive *through* NYC twice on a holiday weekend.