A really long display name that indicates I like cars.

So my first ever autocross was done in a 1995 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme. That thing handled like a boat, but it was a still a lot of fun . Especially when I took home a trophy for first in class.

I’ve heard that cars with radiators are easier to keep cool.

I grew up on a small farm driving tractors and other vehicles before ever driving a car. My first time actually driving a car was the farm truck in the field at 11 or 12. My grandfather got it stuck in some mud, so I said “let me try”. Guess who got it un-stuck. :)

What’s even more vivid was my first time driving a car

Haha. Baseball especially, man. There are waaaay too many games for me to be able to care about all of them. Having spent most of my life living in a metro area without any major league teams, I can’t say that I’ve experienced the unity first hand, but I can only imagine. Especially if we’re talking the Cubs a year

It’s nice to see somebody else echo my same sentiments. Growing up, I played a lot of sports and was actually good at one of them. So much so that sports dominated my life all through high school. I was the guy who always had some game on the TV or SportsCenter if nothing else is on.

Wait, you mean this is on the *other* side of NYC from me? Ugggghhhh

David, I just wanted to say thank you for actually summarizing the video content in your article instead of just posting a link and saying “go watch this”. There are many times that I am simply not able to watch a video when it is posted up on Jalopnik. Being able to read about it is greatly appreciated. :) 

Where I grew up, Driver’s Ed wasn’t mandatory, and was only held over the summer, taught by a local high school teacher. People did take it, though, because their parents wanted the insurance discount. So, since my parents only found this out after I turned 16 and since I had a January birthday I had already been

Sadly, I’d be willing to bet that Kristen Lee is too young to get that reference, though. God I feel old.

Funny story here. About 8 years ago, my car was loaned to some friends for use in a low budget short film. I was on set for the scenes that involved my car, including the actor parking and getting out of my car. I think it probably took something like 6 - 10 iterations of the scene before the actor remembered to both

How about a screenshot showing the second half of the article? The export portion?

A giant friggin wing in World Rally Blue. At the time I bought the car I was wishing Subaru had offered an option to buy an STI without the wing. But 3 years later, I’ve learned to love it. :)

“Best” thing overheard at an airport...

Maybe he was looking for meth?

He’s definitely one of the better writers that Jalopnik has on staff, I think. Especially with articles like this one.

How about a car that was never officially sold in the United States? Soembody near me is selling a RHD ‘92 Nissan Pulsar GTIR!

Grrr... Wish I’d known about this yesterday before I made plans that would keep me in Connecticut.

Should totally be there. Could replace the totally overrated Snowpiercer on this list. :)

What’s even crappier is if you start on hard mode, your mortgage in Sacramento is the same. If it’s that expensive to live in Sacramento, why live there?

I’ve had cracked windshields on 7/8 of the cars I’ve owned. My most recent car, the crack occurred before I was even out of the break in period - a tractor trailer ahead of me on the freeway went off onto the left shoulder and kicked up a rock. Only 600 miles on the car. :(