
I'm still waiting for that duel between The Lawyer and Charlie!

He should at least get a nomination for his epic (imagined) meltdown in the suburbs episode. "But you don't really know what hot is, do you?"

Ok, first of all, Catherine the Great died in bed after she had the stroke on the toilet. She is also one of my favorite historical figures. Most historical royal women are remembered for their looks, tragic deaths or what king they were married to. Catherine on the other hand is known for her intellect and how well

They couldn't when they made the show, that's the only reason Fry and Laurie were Jeeves and Wooster. They didn't originally intend to be. Ok, Hiddleston as Wooster, who will be Jeeves? Someone who can be very effortlessly verbose, maybe Cumberbatch? If Maggie Smith is up for it I'd love to see her as Aunt Agatha,

That inspires me to remake The Family Circus so that it's more like The Family Guy Circus. Or do that comic mashup they talked about on MST3K, mixing Family Circus with The Far Side. "Look, there are the tracks that lead to where anthropomorphic jackals were chasing little Billy!"

maybe they are just Burning Man walker hippies…

I think he's looked better with age. He was always so gawky when he was younger. Not that it was a bad thing, it was almost part of his appeal in his comedic roles (particularly as Bertie Wooster and his goofy characters on A Bit Of Fry and Laurie.)

Honestly, if the whole show was just Laurie and Hiddleston staring intently into a camera, I'd watch it.

I'm penning a song for Trump right now. So far I have the title: "This Decade's Republican Ross Perot"!
