
This so many times. I've been riding for the last four years, but after going to watch MotoGP it really lit a fire in me to get some track time. The only problem is I don't think I want to do it on my KLR.

Ok. How do I get my hands on this product?

So if I saw this car in Austin this past week it was probably you.

You mean a “public” Apple Watch SDK?

The AMA race was pretty incredible to watch as well. We were sitting at turn 1 for motogp but walked down to the main striataway for the AMA race. I get what you mean about needing earplugs...

Too expensive for my blood, but it does really light a fire under my ass to get some track time in the future.

Nobody was really watching Marquez (except the guys sitting next to us that cheered every time her came around). We were all watching Dovizioso and Rossi battle it out.

As long as the car is setup with a roll bar and you’re wearing a helmet (and hopefully the instructor is too) you should be ok...

Reminds me of 'Mystery Spot' in Santa Cruz. Love that place.

Austin metro is dragging up the entire state of Texas.

I upgraded from my 1200 to 9600 and then went of to college, where the connection was really fast. Internet sucked coming home on breaks, tho.

1200 baud was reasonable for text based BBSs and MUDs. Not so good for downloading files tho. My dad got a cable modem in the mid-90's (for free for a number of years), which was hooked up to his PC. We could use it to download stuff which would only takes 20 minutes vs. hours or days.

This was actually a great reference. I have a Powermatic 66 that recently came out of storage a bit rusty and it was good to see all the lubrication points.

I've actually seen a few of these, but not by any major manufacturers. I've always preferred a pocket watch and carried one for years before cell phones became small enough. I wouldn't mind having one, though it does seem pretty pointless.

I am still using my @mac.com email from 1999. It doesn't quite work anymore in webmail but otherwise no problems yet...

I have wanted to put labels on the tops of spice jars forever.

I have wanted to put labels on the tops of spice jars forever.

That girl was a huge idiot for what she did, but the riders were equally at fault for their own deaths in not being able to stop and avoid hitting the girl's car. What it it had been a cop or a legitimately disabled car?

The like the rider that hit the girl who stopped for the family of ducks. Idiots all around!

The British have being chased off a cliff by naked women. No chemicals or ammunition needed.

I'd rather this than just having hackers steal my SSN. Which has aparently already happened.