
Right. So?

I nominate the Hennessy Venom GT. The official Texas high-speed toll road testing vehicle.

They should just use prescription pain pills. Seems pretty effective with the general population, so proven track record..?

Hopefully those rMBP 1 TB drives will come down in price.

No. That's the other underground lair.

Maybe disney could house them in their underground prisons..?

Wait. I see two sets of the same numbers. Who in the photos are the legitimate runners?

Is it a wax Macbook Air?

So Chase corporation is a a prude..?

Did we expect anything less? This just means she got it right.

I know the science says to not wear mesh when it's super hot, but I'd rather be in a mesh jacket than a kevlar shirt when it's over 110.

Fun fact: Austin is not represented in any congressional district because of gerrymandering. It's split into 6 pieces that are each dominated by another conservative area (one of six reps is a democrat).

I think religion's primary purpose is to shield people from having to think of themselves as hypocrites.

Alicia Silverstone is not who I think of when you say 'genetic lottery', but I guess it's not just about brains.

Sorry didn't mean to ask you 'why'. Mean't to reply to the main thread.

Why are they doing this? Too few testers? Maybe they're thinking they can just get anonymous crash reports from users instead of having it was an active bug reporting system.

I don't think this is in quite same class of crap car as the others listed in this thread...

Back in 2005, we rented a bedroom in Berlin for 15 days, which was nice (and cheap), but this whole idea of renting a whole apartment without the presence of the owner is just asking to be abused.

I got mine for Christmas '89. Still have it.

So basically another touch screen feature phone.