
We have a Nest and we're thinking of picking up one to start with and leave the rest as dumb alarms installed.

We already had a Next and had wanted to get at least one Protect. The Google acquisition has definitely given us pause. I guess I worry that Google will sell the customer bases information to advertisers or something in that vein or that ads will start appearing on our thermostat. Or the devices will be a new target

I would say that he's signed their death warrant, but they are already so far past dead. Does anyone even care about them anymore?

I guess I'm glad my bank already sent me a new card/card number.

When we were Cub Scouts, we slept over at the Museum of Science in Boston. We were assigned to the Hall of Electricity. There was no sleeping going on. Get hundreds of kids into one continuous space, "sleeping" on concrete. I do remember the parents eventually got everyone to shut up for a few hours. Good fun tho.


Well since the lower is what requires the background check; if you were going to buy it, you might as well build a another AR.

Ooo. Where can I get a Reddit lower receiver?

I hear none of them are LTE, so maybe that explains the prices..?

I used to use it for video editing (I bought it when it first came out). I like to use it for system volume. But I've lately forgotten about it.

Get some of my programming projects off the ground & switch to Android.

Fear the guy the has his own Star Trek Enterprise bridge.

As long as they can use the surveillance laws to blame Obama (and get re-elected), the laws will stand.

That won't necessarily stop the NSA from doing it. I don't think anyone came up with a torture law.

My free corded chainsaw is pretty nice.

I'm not sure how much of this stuff even has congressional oversight.

The VW is a hilux with a VW interior/exterior.

Here in the US, asshats don't tend to be on Supermotos.

Yeah the height of 1080p displays annoys me. An insult to programmers.

It could be a Deringer..?