
In (post) Soviet Russia we crash-test our own cars!

Definitely not what they're going for. They're TRYING to create an underclass of people dependent on welfare so in 10-15 years they can use it to get their base riled up.

It disgusts me to hear how SOME PEOPLE talk about Wendy Davis. Texas republicans are going to feel awfully stupid when we rip the states government out from under them in a few years.


The guy in the vacant house not only came home to his house knocked down but they cleared all the debris so he lost all his personal possessions that were in the home at the time.

Yeah. Sorry, *her.

Maybe Fox News will move their HQ there.

Nice thing :-D

What else is new. America is not in a GID/trans friendly state at the moment. Thanks to the Media.

Also that it happened for him early on, not like "Oh All of sudden he's trans! to get out of whatever..". For me, I knew when I was young.

I'm not sure if anyone caught this, but apparently Manning joined the military to try to tamper down his GID.

The world isn't about actual responsibility, but percieved legal responsibility.

I do have a soul patch I've been growing for 15 years. :-D

Beards are very hip right now here in Austin.

Maybe they can have Andy Sandberg perform with them.

Man here. Not having much luck in the facial hair department I do get scruffy but no actual hair to speak of. Case in point: got mistaken for 16 twice this weekend (just turned 34).

All these sites going dark is a clear message. What's not clear is what kind of pressure the sites' owners are under. Is it just fear? Or did the FBI threaten their mothers?

I'm guessing all accounts (send/receive) are on the same servers.

I liked when they accidentally knocked down a section of the track (when they were taking down the berms around the Ren Cen) and were forced to make the people moved go in both directions.

Probably with a grin on his face. Do we know what he was riding?