
Haha. So now it's no longer about protecting, just about shutting down. Glad to see them wearing it on their sleeves.

I just have to look harder for what I usually check for. Also, are console games mostly moved over to Kotaku now? I'd hate to have to check both places now...

I don't like the new format!

Haha. I really enjoyed this game in the 90's. I still have all my old cards (they are probably all illegal now).

ah. yeah

The reason the SCOTUS didn't hear the prop 8 appeal is because they determined that gay marriage causes no harm, which was the argument of prop 8 supporters.

I think conservatives would be mighty surprised if we lived in this puritanical society that they seem hell bent on creating.

They should probably ban 3 ft dildos. Or really any dildo 'cause unnatural sex.

I get it. Beck is saying Dean is a martyr of white suppression (which is, apparently, a thing).

So true. Tho our new kittens haven't fully realized the immense power they wield.

Luckily we adopted these two last friday:

Our tabby was old. And it hurt, but losing our ferral cat 'spooky' this week has just been too much..

Not strictly related. We had to put our 15 year old orange tabby down last week. On monday one of our beloved ferral back yard cats disappeared. Then SB5.. <sob>

I'm from Massachusetts. It wasn't until we moved to Texas (from Los Angeles) that I started feeling the weight of the conservative hate. Some days it just gets the better of me (and we are in Austin!).

Thank you. That helps. It's just scary when it your home state. As opposed to, say, Mississippi where we expect that sort of thing. But this is Texas after all...

Well closing 90% of our clinics is pretty diabolical "last gasp".

For gay marriage yes, but for abortion in Texas there's still a big looming fight. What we need is to get rid of fucking Rick Perry and his batshit minions.

The value is that it's the original prop, but yeah...

Wow. Is it actually any shorter than the 6?