
Even missing some bridges.

How about a feature film about the rage comic meme? Idiots.

Wo nellie. I didn't write any of it. Just pointing it out. Not that an API for a security device is a great idea either...

Nest doesn't have an official API per se, but there's one in nearly any popular language on github because it uses RESTful web requests.

As people who don't do relaxing vacations: no thanks.

How about Windows 8 NT?

Ive is HEAD of interface design. He's not one guy locked in a room for six months coming up with a new interface. Apple employs a lot of talented designers, both ID and interface.

Fast and Furious of Child Porn?

I did a text search for 'bank' and didn't come up with anything.

We had the head designer of Ferrari. It was actually really interesting, but I'm not so sure Fine Arts or Crafts felt the same..

How are they related to citibank? (same logo et al)

Oh. They're not selling it here? I saw one in Austin a few months ago, I thought was plated...

I can't personally understand why people spend a lot on weddings. It seems like buying a house or paying for (off) college would be much more inportant/useful.

I wonder if MS is actually in cahoots with NSA to get access to audio/video from every home with an xbox One. Even better, they should lease the devices so we have even less rights.

Microsoft has a history of killing innovation and good ideas. This will probably be the xbox' downfall, especially if the PS4 is a decent gamer centric machine.

I like the idea of having all games installed. I'm doing that now, but with the benefit of picking up a 250GB HD for cheap. Also the always online or periodically online isn't a problem for me, but apparently a big issue for the armed forces. Perhaps there could be an armed forced exemption mode.

Agreed. Hopefully they resist the urge to use the Windows UI.

I've been playing regular xbox games while working out on either a recumbent bike and an elliptical. Playing Dead Space on the elliptical is a trip! and my aim is getting better.

The Xbox is a gaming system, not a nettop. They run the the risk of having a Surface repeat if it hurts the usability or performance of the xbox.

The other day I saw an S5 in Austin that was the exact color of faded yellow 80's computers. I wonder if it was some ordering mistake, or just some whacko custom color.