
Fuck the commenters on Fox News. I don't know why I torture myself reading them. I guess I'm just fascinated by the downfall of humanity.

Also interesting all the stuff in the history of the US that has happened in the Past (Lincoln assassination, Oklahoma City, Waco (Branch Davidian), Texas City disaster, Columbine, etc.)

Atul Gawande. Love this guy! Y'all should read his books, really interesting, informative stuff.

Interesting. I know they enforce vehicle inspections in the largest metro areas but not outside that. I guess Austin we live in a microcosm. It's not completely the liberal bastion everyone thinks it is, tho.

What happens when the driver accidentally drops the wheel? Wait.. don't answer that.

Correction: Rural texas == no regulations.

I don't entirely love the idea that someone spent a ton of money on this.

Regardless which was build first, my point still stands.

Not sure why it was build so close to houses, schools, a nursing home. Any official that is upset about the carnage needs to check their priorities: loose regulations vs. safety.

Feels very FLW. Like the Ennis house, only much better construction.

This is a situation I would never imagine was a problem. Normally you'd just fall off the back and hit the ground (maybe get run over), but with those drag racing bikes with the extended swing arm you run the risk of this..

Every law designed to protect a group or individual will be used eventually by someone to do something questionable.

The kid really sounded like Haley Joel Osmond in Sixth Sense.

Plus super high resolution requires lots of extra processing power which isn't good for a thin & light laptop and long battery life.

Ok. This is the Conservative diabolical plan. They are trying to make sure that kids get pregnant and babies are born. They don't actually care about any of those people, but they can use them as as a group to get their voting block riled up about the "welfare moochers" and all the poverty probably helps the people at…

Clooney in a space suit immediately reminds me of Solaris.

Remote wipe?

Who says it wasn't intentional?

I guess Elmo hasn't been too tarnished.