
It works for Muslims and Orthodox jews, why not a public middle school? /sarcasm


It harkens back to simpler, dumber times. Pat Robertson approves.

Dunno about this early copy, but going back and playing ME 1 again recently I felt its still a pretty decent game.


Because you're wrong.

My first impression was 'Street Fighter'.

You missed his 'two thumbs up' cropped out of this photo.

According to the post on reddit, it was a supervised/police escorted ride. The cops would stop the riders every once and awhile to let cars get around. http://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/…

I am transgendered (male body/female mind). I felt really strongly about transitioning when I was younger, but have since met a wonderful woman, married and we are both secure in our ambiguous sexualities.

Love it when he comments in the threads too. Kinda like Carmack on Giz.

Looks like the coil just popped off. Stick that thing back in and be on your way.

.. some smoke damage..

Indirectly or simply the producers who actually sell porn to people that actually buy it (some other segment of society).

Ah. You're a Wayne State-er. Was wondering if you were a CCS-er...

I have a lot of friends and teachers that have done their part to bring back abandoned Detroit structures, but there's only so much they can do. Someone needs to step in an save more of the these historical structures.

Despite what shows up free on the internet, I think they are talking about the production industry itself.


Mac version? We had this on the IIGS.

If this is as an alternative to having the disk in the drive (if its already installed), count me in.