
How about the Draught House again?

yep. WTF was Ferrari thinking..

My wife is very comfortable with death (worked at the Coroners office/used to collect fingerprint evidence at multiple homicide crime scenes/practices taxidermy), but our beloved cat just getting so frail that I'm not sure she'd make a very nice taxidermy specimen. FWIW there's only one company that makes a domestic

When'll you guys be here in Austin?

Maybe they need to give credit where credit's due: the 42-wheeled, 19-porsche engined BMW.

I don't see how this is really competition. Amazon probably doesn't most of it's Prime business of retail products through 2nd day shipping. Google's sounds totally different.

Could be a Bodensee one-off.

They fixed the taillights. yay! Give me a 2.oT and HIDS, please!

New golf wagon concept looks pretty promising.

Well the catbus photo was definitely taken at burning man so I'm not sure the poster is being totally honest about how it was used.

If this fails, they could paint it neon yellow...?

Onion article?

I will need this break. We are killing ourselves here in Austin preparing for SXSW.

Friends and family looking for jobs, I always ask if they have any programming experience - there's definitely money to be made if you can do that kind of thing.

It definitely does. Here in Austin, Ruby/Rails developers are some of the most highly sought after/well paid developers in our fine city. And there IS a great social/support community.



The study is helping likely Republican voters if they're seniors in North Carolina.

One of my friends got the barcode for FF IX tattoo'd on the back if his neck for some reason.

And his ACR Dodge Minivan.