
My bet is god is not a bigger dick then the catholic church (even if he/she does have a cruel sense of humor). He/she/it is probably glad to see this pope go.

Because the head designer at Nokia got bored.

1) John McAfee's brother?

Destined to die on the Nurburgring?

Like Myspace.. and Microsoft.

Neckbeard's not working for ya.

I don't know how this translate into home internet access, but in Australia, hotel internet access was ok but very expensive; about $20 australian a day. There was no free access anywhere. One hotel even charged a flat rate, then after 100mb, throttled your connection unless you paid an extra 10 cents/MB.

I surmise the head and taillights wouldn't look that clean in the future.

Did you mix up the 1 & 2 spots?

Give them a break! They're not doctors.

They're not talking about "extermination" of gun rights. They're talking specifically about Hitler here: "he took away the guns and then.." etc.

Our troops neckerchief was yellow with a rainbow ribbon around the edge..

Uh, troll?

Sortof disappointed not to see renderings from more car designers (here's looking at you guys and girls I went to school with) who I'm sure read Jalopnik.

The USPS isn't about letters, it's about bills and checks and packages (I heard BTW that package delivery will continue on Saturdays).

Most likely sexual.

They should just stick a V12 it, prancing horse on the grill and be done with it.

slim (Dell) to none (HP)?

There are some good point on both sides of the debate. Unfortunately, most of the people posting to that thread (or most of the people on facebook) are just repeating verbatim whatever reactionary lines they heard on their news channel of choice.

I was thinking is was the Opel GT, which, looking closer, it is not.