
wankfest male privilege masturbatory bullshit of a movie.

It’s like you didn’t like the movie.

They always do!

Besides being a racist shit bag, how stupid is this guy to post that on the internet? Really? I just don’t get it. If you want to talk shit, do it in private or with some drinking buddies (while making sure they aren’t recording you). They should just fire him for being stupid and not even bother with the

Hamill, bafflingly dubbed a “hot cop”

Damn straight he was.

Ditto. I’m pretty upset that harpy is losing right now, even if I’m pulling for Baba Yaga in the final round. I will head to Sephora tomorrow if someone creates a harpy, Baba Yaga, or La Llorona themed palette.

Same. Kinda shocked at how invested I am.

NOt gonna lie. I’m very emotionally invested in this.

Did you miss the part where I said I know what it meant originally and that’s what I think when I see it?

I feel bad for your ex’s sister. There’s nothing worse than having some smug, stuck up asshole on your Facebook page pompously report on something she doesn’t know shit about. Then have the nerve to wax poetic about privilege and making it about you when smuggy (you) was actually making it about herself.

The problem with Hudson’s statement is that it can be interpreted as making a c-section seem like an easy and breezy experience. There are people who incorrectly believe that c-sections are the easy way out with childbirth.

It is a personal experience, but it’s one that a lot of women are made to feel guilty about. It’s portrayed often as an elective procedure even when it’s done for valid medical reasons, but more than that, it’s seen as a failure to perform one of the most fundamental rites of womanhood without assistance. Which is all

“Reading actually gets rid of my anxiety and makes me fall asleep at night.”

That brassiness tho, jesus. Use a toner, lady.

*fake blonde

You wanna borrow my charger? Fine. Sit in the chair next to my charger and sit there while your phone charges.

Perhaps my middle aged, midwestern, white privilege is showing, but its a job at frickin’ Pizza Hut. If that’s how they feel about their workers, screw it, there’s always another job to be had.

Of course, if the town’s been leveled, that job might be hard to find.

Oof. Terrible way to spend one’s birthday though.

...meanwhile in the Law & Order SVU writers room